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How BIG is your band

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I was just wondering. What's up with these size bands. I been reading a lot of posting and it seems

to me everyone has a 4cc band, well my card stated mine is a 10cc. That's huge, what's up with that?

How does these band works. How does the Dr. say what size band is good for you.

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Hey Char.....good observation. I was told that I have 4cc and my fill is 3 cc so go figure. The doctors determine the size based on your size and how much you have to lose. I would suggest that you call Dr. Martinez and ask him that question.....then message me and let me know what he says....I'm curious! :-?


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Welcome to the big band club - I'm glad I'm not the only one!

From what I was told it’s determined by your size. If you are bigger, you get the bigger band. I’ve done well with it, so dont' worry. I’ve had to have more fills than most but it’s worked so I’m not complaining!

(I have had smaller more frequent fills than most, to ensure I can only eat small amounts without it being to tight that you end up PBing, which I detest).

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Will I really don't know about the bigger you are the bigger the band. I'm 5'7

and I weigh 230 started weight now -225. I have read postings on current weight larger then me and smalller the band.

That's why I'm wondering what's up. I will call OCC tommorrow.



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Are you sure it reads 10 cc and not 10 mm? I'm pretty sure we have the same band an mine says 10 (something) on the card, but it's a 4 cc band. I'm pretty big, 5'10 1/2 so I thought I might get the bigger band, but I didn't.

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The others are correct, check your card I bet it says 10CM because the people who get the 10CC band have cards that say VG band...

Actually the 4cc bands come in various lengths, someone banded with me has a 9.75cm band that hold 4ccs

I believe the VG band that holds 10cc is actually 14cm in length

Here's a photo of the differences:


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I actually asked Dr Ortiz this question, because mine is the 10cc also. He said, "its the size of the stomach, it is what it is. The same as with shoe size." It doesn't have anything to do with the amount of weight you have to lose.

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Hello everyone,

I called Dr. Ortiz today and mama12, you are correct.

It's 2 band sizes 10 and 4. the one that is 10 can hold up to 4cc and the 4 can hold up to 10 cc of saline.

It depends on how much weight is it to lose. Those who have a 10 has less restriction than the one's

that have a 4. Therfore 10 does not need to lose as much weight as 4. The bigger your band is more you can eat because you don't have to lose as much. By the way the 4 is called VG band. I wish I had the 4, I need restriction, but I have faith in Dr. Oritz he know's best. Thanks to all the shared.


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