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9 days Post opt and I have to go out to a restaurant w/ family and friends

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I am 9 days post opt and I am going on a bus trip to New York City tomorrow to see a play. I am going with my husband and another couple. Only my husband knows I had the surgery. The bus is stopping at a Texas Road house like of restaurant on the way home and I don't know what to do. I will be the only one out of 50 people who mostly wouldn't be eating. I am afraid I will stick out like a sore thumb and that I might cheat of my diet. What should I do? Has anyone cheated before? If yes, with what and what happened?

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Hi there!!

I am in your same position. We eat out constantly, and no one knows I had the surgery. What I have been doing is ordering a french onion soup without the bread and crouton and just eating the broth. It is really good, also, I order a glass of wine. If anyone ask why your not eating I tell them that I am on a 21 day liquid diet and I have already gone 12 days without solids, it usually results in a lot of "that's great" wow, wish I could do that", etc....

Make sure you take a liquid protein drink or something to drink before you get there so you aren't starving smelling all the food, and have fun!!

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Yes - soup would be the way to go. Make sure it is not chunky soup but if so - just eat around the chunks. If there is going to be about 50 people there - no on will notice.

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I honestly worried about the same thing but my experience so far is that no one really pays attention to what you are or aren't eating if you don't bring attention to it. Most people are to busy shoveling in their own food to worry about what is on your plate. When you can pick the restaurant I pick one that I know has soup I like. If you are 9 days you can have creamy soups to so that helps. Whatever you do don't cheat. It is not worth the risk.


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