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My First Painful experience!

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Today for lunch I went and got a baked chicken breast and baked red potatoes. It was my first time since this process started that I thought I was going to have a PBing moment. My bestfriend was taking to me and I wasn't paying attention to how I was chewing my food and then the pain hit. I stopped taking and she asked me if I was going to be ok. It left like an alien in my chest fighting to go down into my stomach. It really scared me. I had to breathe slowly and sit and think of relaxing my whole body so I wouldn't panic from the pain. Oh, never again!!!

Ladies stay away from the dry chicken!!!!!!!

I hope I didn't stretch my new stomach!!!!

Maytee :wacko:

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Today for lunch I went and got a baked chicken breast and baked red potatoes. It was my first time since this process started that I thought I was going to have a PBing moment. My bestfriend was taking to me and I wasn't paying attention to how I was chewing my food and then the pain hit. I stopped taking and she asked me if I was going to be ok. It left like an alien in my chest fighting to go down into my stomach. It really scared me. I had to breathe slowly and sit and think of relaxing my whole body so I wouldn't panic from the pain. Oh, never again!!!

Ladies stay away from the dry chicken!!!!!!!

I hope I didn't stretch my new stomach!!!!

Maytee :wacko:

I'm sorry I'm out of the lingo loop what is a PBing moment. :-?

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I did the exact same thing, but the chicken wasn't dry, I was shoveling it in too fast! I hung over the sink with my mouth watering and had such pain in my chest and collar bone area.... let's put it this way, it hasn't happened since! I didn't actually get sick, but my stomach hurt for 2 days. I drank liquids the rest of that day and half of the next. I was worried that I had hurt my band, but all seems well. I go for my first fill in less than 2 weeks and I sure won't be shoveling anything then! :rolleyes: We'll learn, huh?! Take care!! Darlene

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Today for lunch I went and got a baked chicken breast and baked red potatoes. It was my first time since this process started that I thought I was going to have a PBing moment. My bestfriend was taking to me and I wasn't paying attention to how I was chewing my food and then the pain hit. I stopped taking and she asked me if I was going to be ok. It left like an alien in my chest fighting to go down into my stomach. It really scared me. I had to breathe slowly and sit and think of relaxing my whole body so I wouldn't panic from the pain. Oh, never again!!!

Ladies stay away from the dry chicken!!!!!!!

I hope I didn't stretch my new stomach!!!!

Maytee :wacko:

What about us, guys lol

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Isn't that the worst feeling???? Somedays I have a hard time with chicken, sometimes not, but dry chicken is the worst. I have found the wings are nice and tender and small enough that I have to take my time with them.

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I'm sorry I'm out of the lingo loop what is a PBing moment. :-?

It's short for Productive Burp. It's what happens when you eat too fast and don't chew, chew, chew your food. After you swallow, or attempt to swallow, you can feel the food get stuck. Your mouth starts salivating and next thing you know the food is making a repeat performance. Some Encores are just not worth it!

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It's short for Productive Burp. It's what happens when you eat too fast and don't chew, chew, chew your food. After you swallow, or attempt to swallow, you can feel the food get stuck. Your mouth starts salivating and next thing you know the food is making a repeat performance. Some Encores are just not worth it!


Thanks for the definition.

Janell ;)

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Welcome to bandland! The first time I felt this I got on the forum and posted like what you did. I never wanted to feel that again ever. But guess what? I PB'd 5 days ago. Bad habits are hard to break. Like not sitting down and taking the time to chew and eat for 20 mins. I'm on the go sometimes and can't help to think I'm saving time by eating in the car 'cause I'm already so hungry and will not have the time to eat when I get to my destination. Such a bad habit to break but I've not done the eating in the car anymore. It's the most horrible pain and you can't run to the bathroom while driving! I've learned to stop the car and eat with my kids at a park or anywhere but not while driving. Fat habit #2 I'm getting rid of permanently! Fat habit #1 is being my children's food disposal.

I'm learning all these things about me that have added to my weight gain in the bad habits I have formed over the years.

I can't promise you that you will not PB anymore although you are or will be VERY motivated because of that horrible feeling you never want repeated. I PB'd 5 days ago 'cause I forgot that I wasn't suppose to drink while eating? My girls and I were at an errand at Costco, having a hotdog... I just ate 1/2 the hotdog no buns but my little girl was saying how delicious the lemonade was so I decided to sip... yes knowing I wasn't suppose to but intended to just have a little sip! NO...wrong never ever sip any liquids... with food. I slimed and it came right back up with my hotdog, the lemonade... on a paper plate. My poor little girls were so grossed out and I'm sure anybody else that witnessed me. Sorry.. that is such a gross picture but I really couldn't run to the bathroom with 2 girls in tote and a cart of groceries... Besides it was within 5 secs. that it happened.

No matter how much I promise myself I will never do it again... it sometimes does still... but I'm working on zero incidents as my wrong choices are corrected and new banding habits are formed. Lessons learned... don't take any chances? Do what you know you are suppose to do and you'll be far more successful in this banding journey!



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Today for lunch I went and got a baked chicken breast and baked red potatoes. It was my first time since this process started that I thought I was going to have a PBing moment. My bestfriend was taking to me and I wasn't paying attention to how I was chewing my food and then the pain hit. I stopped taking and she asked me if I was going to be ok. It left like an alien in my chest fighting to go down into my stomach. It really scared me. I had to breathe slowly and sit and think of relaxing my whole body so I wouldn't panic from the pain. Oh, never again!!!

Ladies stay away from the dry chicken!!!!!!!

I hope I didn't stretch my new stomach!!!!

Maytee :wacko:

Oh Maytee I feel for you! I've had this happen quite a few times too. The pain from it is HORRIFIC.

I've NEVER PB'ed though (even though I wish I could sometimes). Even when I thought I had chewed enough it still will get stuck. Now I'm trying to eat only pea size bites.


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Well today was a first for me. I got really upset (p'off) with my 19 year old son and I was trying to eat, obviously not paying any attention to eating and the pain hit my back shoulder blade. Wow and then I pb'd. Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Gross. So I resorted to soup for lunch after that.


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Oh, if I only had a dollar for every time I said, "I'm never going to do THAT again." My bad habit is snacking while lying on my bed, reading. A definite no-no for bandsters, but I still do it.

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