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Kimmie Update!

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Sorry I have been slacking with my posting. :rolleyes:

I had my first fill 2 weeks ago and I have major restriction. I made it to Onederland last week and boy does it feel great to be out of the 200's! I haven't been this small in over 10 years. I am down from a size 20 in pants to a 16 and even they are getting loose. =D>

I am a little impatient with the weight loss though. Now that I have a taste of how great it feels to lose weight I want to lose like 5 lbs every week and that just doesn't happen! LOL I am SO happy with my band.

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Hey Nicole!

Everyone is doing great. Lance is down 32 lbs, Susan is down 23 lbs and Chrsitie is down 15 lbs.

I am the winner of all of us, but my restriction is better than theirs.

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25lbs and 4 pant sizes in 2 months is not enough? be patient girl, you are on the right track. You certainly don't want to drop all your weight at once, I think it's healthy to slowly adjust to your new size. way to go...

I'll be joining the band land this Friday 5/23


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25lbs and 4 pant sizes in 2 months is not enough? be patient girl, you are on the right track. You certainly don't want to drop all your weight at once, I think it's healthy to slowly adjust to your new size. way to go...

I'll be joining the band land this Friday 5/23


I was kidding. That's why I laughed after it.
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Hey Kimmie,

So glad to see you posting again, I know there were some hard times for you lately but I am so glad that things are back to normal and you are still doing great with your weight loss... You look amazing and I bet you are feeling even better (I'm sure it takes tons of energy to keep up with those 2 cute kiddos!!!)

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Kimmie - you look great and are doing wonderful. Keep up the good work.

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Hey there, glad to hear from you and see you are doing well. DId your vomitting stop? Mine is totally gone and I can't wait for my first fill. Monday the 26th I finally get it. A little scared the vomitting will start up again, but I hope not.

Take care and come by more often!!

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Hanna, you stole the words right out of my mouth! YAY, KIMMIE!

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Kimmie you are my role model for sure! Hope I have the great progress that you have got going on!

Where do Lance and all the others that went with you get their fills done? I know you get yours done in Ocean Springs do they as well?

I am debating on Ocean Springs or Moultrie Ga. to do the fills.

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