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Cool Weight Loss Fact

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WOW - that is amazing!! That means I have releived 248 lbs of pressure from my knees! Thanks for that little fact!

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Awesome! That will help me so much since I dislocated my right knee twice in soccer. Phew! Relief especially when it's cold outside, painful!

I have torn the ligaments in my left ankle twice, not major falls, but I'm convinced my weight made it worse - hopefully this will help to avoid this in the future.

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I can totally believe/relate to this fact!!

Today was field day at my sons school and I played 5 games of volleyball (teachers and parents vs. the 8th graders) and couldn't believe how great my knees felt... It was like I was back in high school (I was on the volleyball team for 3 years) I was able to rum and slide with no pain.

Of course to competive side of me took over on one play and I dove for the ball hitting my knees hard so now one knee is super bruised up, but I saved the ball and won us the serve for game point so it was totally worth it... We did win the match 3games to 2games!

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Speaking of Volleyball.. I can totally relate.. I played volleyball in college and my excersise for pre op was competitive volleyball!!!!

I could tell a huge difference in my knees as I lost some weight! We should get a round of Volleyball going when we all get back together! I'm DOWN!!!!

Mamamichelle........... BRING IT!!

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