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Dressing Room Delights!

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Hello All-

I posted Tuesday evening about my horrible headaches on Day 4-post op. Thank you all for great advice, support, and just for listening!

Day 5 I finished up my meetings in Atlanta. I made sure I got my caffeine via Crystal Lite focus first thing and that I sipped on juice/water during the meeting. I got up and walked a lot and instead of drinking water while everyone else in the meeting munched on fajitas, I asked the admin if I could use the kitchen and made myself some soup broth. Meeting got out early and I home in Nashville, in bed, for much needed rest by 7:30 PM.

Today, Day 6, I continued to take your advice and slept in. I weighed this morning for the first time since surgery and my total loss (including pre-op is now 20 lbs!) I rolled into work around 10 and took it easy just catching up on emails and took off early at 3 pm -- with the intent to go home for a nap. HOWEVER, I was driving past The Avenue (clothes for people my size) and thought I'd pop in for one outfit.

As usual, I picked up a bunch of random outfits - casual, beach, work, going out, even the dreaded swimsuit...except I got them in A SIZE SMALLER than I have been wearing. For the first time in my entire life, EVERYTHING I brought into the dressing room FIT - except for one pair of drawstring pants that were actually too big. I couldn't believe it. So, I went back into the store and tried it again. Well, the second time everything except for one dress fit and it fit in the waist -- just no hope of holding in "my bodacious girls".

SO, I did what any red blooded American woman that has lost 20 pounds and had a good day in the dressing room did. I BOUGHT IT ALL! $600!!!! OMG!

I came home and tried on my new found wardrobe for my husband. He was tres impressed. He did ask, "what about all those clothes in your closet. Do we need to throw those out?" I said, "No. Actually only about 5 of the outfits in my closet fit. The rest are too small. [Then the lightbulb came on] Or are they??!?!?!?!" I tried on EVERYTHING in my closet. Clothes that have never been worn and still have the tag on them. I discovered 4 new outfits in my closet that I can wear NOW. And, I found at least 3 that are "close." Maybe 10 lbs away!


Hope everyone else is enjoying their journey.


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That's amazing!!

I actually dug out some summer clothes last night from my " summer clothes that are too tight bin" and tried some of the tops on tonight and most of them fit!! After a few more weeks on my post-op liquid diet, they will fit even better! It was like shopping in my bedroom, how cool is that!

I am super inspired now! 5 days to go!!


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WAY TO GO TANYA!!! WOOT WOOT WATCH OUT CAUSE THE SEXY MAMA IS COMIN THROUGH! hehehehe =D> Que Bueno! Keep up the great work!

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What a delightful story. Feels good, doesn't it? I don't know if I would have spent that much money on clothes that will be too big in a few months......it comes off that quick! I have only been buying clothes from Garage Sales and Thrift stores because my sizes change every other month! I am not complaining though! Now I can buy stuff in "regular" stores, but I don't feel comfortable there yet....it is very scary for me as there is so much selection now......I am soooo confused!

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That is so awesome, don't let your husband talk to mine, since he would give him fair warning! And one recomendation - only buy things really tight - don't buy to fit because you'll only get a couple weeks out of them!!

Congrats and have fun, but get ready to spend $$!

Hey that makes me think of something - have we ever thought of doing a clothes exchange in our local areas? A good way to get together and meet each other and share our now too small clothes!

Lets talk!


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  2mara said:
Hello All-

I posted Tuesday evening about my horrible headaches on Day 4-post op. Thank you all for great advice, support, and just for listening!

Day 5 I finished up my meetings in Atlanta. I made sure I got my caffeine via Crystal Lite focus first thing and that I sipped on juice/water during the meeting. I got up and walked a lot and instead of drinking water while everyone else in the meeting munched on fajitas, I asked the admin if I could use the kitchen and made myself some soup broth. Meeting got out early and I home in Nashville, in bed, for much needed rest by 7:30 PM.

Today, Day 6, I continued to take your advice and slept in. I weighed this morning for the first time since surgery and my total loss (including pre-op is now 20 lbs!) I rolled into work around 10 and took it easy just catching up on emails and took off early at 3 pm -- with the intent to go home for a nap. HOWEVER, I was driving past The Avenue (clothes for people my size) and thought I'd pop in for one outfit.

As usual, I picked up a bunch of random outfits - casual, beach, work, going out, even the dreaded swimsuit...except I got them in A SIZE SMALLER than I have been wearing. For the first time in my entire life, EVERYTHING I brought into the dressing room FIT - except for one pair of drawstring pants that were actually too big. I couldn't believe it. So, I went back into the store and tried it again. Well, the second time everything except for one dress fit and it fit in the waist -- just no hope of holding in "my bodacious girls".

SO, I did what any red blooded American woman that has lost 20 pounds and had a good day in the dressing room did. I BOUGHT IT ALL! $600!!!! OMG!

I came home and tried on my new found wardrobe for my husband. He was tres impressed. He did ask, "what about all those clothes in your closet. Do we need to throw those out?" I said, "No. Actually only about 5 of the outfits in my closet fit. The rest are too small. [Then the lightbulb came on] Or are they??!?!?!?!" I tried on EVERYTHING in my closet. Clothes that have never been worn and still have the tag on them. I discovered 4 new outfits in my closet that I can wear NOW. And, I found at least 3 that are "close." Maybe 10 lbs away!


Hope everyone else is enjoying their journey.


Congrats,, nothing feels better than trying on clothes that were to tight and now there to loose. But,, Don't toss those clothes that are too big,, donate them,, and get a receipt. Use the write offs on next years Tax Return.. Write off everything,, surgery,, transportation, you name it.. Everything that relates to your lapband surgery. Goodwill has a guide line on a form,, before you know it,, all those write offs add up.

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  snowbird said:
You realize, or course, that everything you just bought will be too big in another month. :)

But it sure is fun, isn't it!

That's what happen to me,, I'd buy a new pair of jeans in one size and 2 weeks later they were to big, So I got to the point where I'd only buy a couple things to mix and match. And I'd go to Walmart,, so I wouldn't have big bucks invested in clothes that were going to be to big so soon. But,, I'm a cheap skate. LOL

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