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Hey Guys, I'm Back!

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Hello my lovely bandster buddies!!

How is everyone doing? Sorry I've been MIA, my laptop crashed so the only times I have been able to get online is when I can pry the desktop computer away from my hubby (he plays online poker) and usually I have work stuff to check on when I do have a few min online! I have been able to check in using my PDA while we have been driving around house hunting (we are in the process of looking for a new home, which is much more time consuming than I remember).

Let's see what else is new in my life? My son graduated from kindgergarden yesterday, which makes me feel kind of sad and a little bit old.. lol I was the room mom for his class so I spent a lot of time planning the ceremony and reception so I'm glad that part of it is over, I was good and avoided the cookies and cupcakes!! I also got my hair done again at the Kim Vo salon, it's a little bit lighter but it has a real summer feel to it so I like it...

I have been trying to add a picture here but keep getting an error message, guess I need to post about it to Chad on the help board. I added it to my gallery so as soon as that's approved you guys can see it or if you are on myspace I have it on there!

On the weight loss front it seems that I am back on the right track, finally losing weight again... I was 191 yesterday when I weighed but it's THAT time of the month so I might actually be in the 180's when I am done with that, we will see on Monday... I honestly don't have much restriction, I have been able to eat bread which I couldn't do after my 1st fill, very weird but I got so used to not eating it and other things that I'm not eating it now. I'm guessing what happened was when I had those PB episodes right after my 2nd fill I got really swollen so I couldn't keep anything down so I decided to get a little unfill, I realize now that I should have kept it and just waited it out for the swelling to go down.. Lol for what I paid for my hair I could have almost made the trip down to TJ and paid for a fill but I'll probably go back in early/mid July!

Oh well I am still losing so that's good, I think right now it's mostly due to keeping up with 30-45 min of exercise 4 or 5 days a week, nothing extreme just some pilates videos some days and the treadmill on others. I saw that Lynnzz picked up the ball for a June exercise challenge (thaks sweetie, keep up the good work) I am going to be heading over to that post next to join up, I hope everyone else will too, when things aren't going great with my diet the best way to keep losing is to work out, even though I am still not at the point when I'm looking forward to it or enjoying working out I'm suffering through it... lol

I hope everyone is well, I've got a lot of reading and catching up to do so I better get crackin!!


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  MamaMichelle said:
Hello my lovely bandster buddies!!

How is everyone doing? Sorry I've been MIA, my laptop crashed so the only times I have been able to get online is when I can pry the desktop computer away from my hubby (he plays online poker) and usually I have work stuff to check on when I do have a few min online! I have been able to check in using my PDA while we have been driving around house hunting (we are in the process of looking for a new home, which is much more time consuming than I remember).

Let's see what else is new in my life? My son graduated from kindgergarden yesterday, which makes me feel kind of sad and a little bit old.. lol I was the room mom for his class so I spent a lot of time planning the ceremony and reception so I'm glad that part of it is over, I was good and avoided the cookies and cupcakes!! I also got my hair done again at the Kim Vo salon, it's a little bit lighter but it has a real summer feel to it so I like it...

On the weight loss front it seems that I am back on the right track, finally losing weight again... I was 191 yesterday when I weighed but it's THAT time of the month so I might actually be in the 180's when I am done with that, we will see on Monday... I honestly don't have much restriction, I have been able to eat bread which I couldn't do after my 1st fill, very weird but I got so used to not eating it and other things that I'm not eating it now. I'm guessing what happened was when I had those PB episodes right after my 2nd fill I got really swollen so I couldn't keep anything down so I decided to get a little unfill, I realize now that I should have kept it and just waited it out for the swelling to go down.. Lol for what I paid for my hair I could have almost made the trip down to TJ and paid for a fill but I'll probably go back in early/mid July!

Oh well I am still losing so that's good, I think right now it's mostly due to keeping up with 30-45 min of exercise 4 or 5 days a week, nothing extreme just some pilates videos some days and the treadmill on others. I saw that Lynnzz picked up the ball for a June exercise challenge (thaks sweetie, keep up the good work) I am going to be heading over to that post next to join up, I hope everyone else will too, when things aren't going great with my diet the best way to keep losing is to work out, even though I am still not at the point when I'm looking forward to it or enjoying working out I'm suffering through it... lol

I hope everyone is well, I've got a lot of reading and catching up to do so I better get crackin!!


Welcome back Michelle. You are doing sooooo good!!!

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Glad you are back, hun.. You were missed... some of us got out of control on the forum without your guiding hand.. lolol.. it was so much fun. I had a great deal of fun giving ad-libbed advice, so if anyone comes on and says that dying their hair fusia didn't help pbing, well.. I am probably guilty. Glad you are here to clean up any mess I made! :)

I am going for my second fill on Tuesday, but, guess what? Dr. Romero is gone. I am worried and crushed. Alas.. such is the nature of my whole life.

Hugs.. glad you are here again.

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Welcom back michelle,

Missed reading your post. You are always so helpful. I am going back to TJ on July 9th for a fill. If you go then, let me know if you want to share transportation. I would love to meet you. congrats on the weight loss, keep it up!

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Glad you're back Michelle! You were really missed. It was like a member of our family going on vaca and not calling! Shame on you! LOL! No, really - welcome back!!

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Michelle? who is this michelle? Ohhhhhhhh. THAT one. [snicker] I'm just pulling your chain also. welcome back. And before you talk too much about "that time of the month" you better read evette's topic about it. LMAO

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Hey Michelle.. nice to have you back! Have missed seeing your posts as well. Do remember when you're out looking for a new home, that I'm due for a new man! Just thought I'd remind you! lol Glad to hear you're doing well. I started on real food on Thurs, June 5th, and had a rough day, but things are getting better.

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