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Chewing Gum


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I haven't heard anyone in any forum, or even at the Scripps orientation meetings, ask anything about chewing gum. I know that it can cause you to swallow air, which is not good due to possible build up of pressure (gas = ugh!). I already try not to chew too much because of my IBS problems.

But would it be helpful during that time before and after eating when you can't drink anything, or would the saliva you swallow be enough to cause the same problems as drinking after eating?


On a completely different note, about three weeks ago I started a part time job at as a grocery store bagger in order to save up some money for the surgery and have discovered that it's one heck of a workout and diet plan!

I've been on my feet for 25-30 hours each week and barely ever standing still. I bag groceries, including lifting heavy bottles of water and cartons of soda and beer. For at least one hour each shift I am out in the parking lot pushing carts in (and when you get about 5-8 of those, they get heavy!!!). I walk around the store showing customers where things are, cleaning up messes, and putting things back on the shelf. If I could find a pedometer that actually counted my fat steps, I'm sure I would FINALLY be meeting that 10,000 step goal.

On top of that, since I'm not always at home on my butt in front of the computer, I'm eating probably 1/4 of what I normally do on days that I work. Even after I get home, I'm too tired to walk to the fridge, lol!!!

I haven't lost too much weight yet, but I was happy to see a lb gone this morning. Hopefully once my body stops being so sore that I walk like a 90 year old granny, I will finally feel some increased strength in my muscles and maybe even increased stamina.

My goal is to save up about $1000 pre-op just for unexpected contingencies (putting the surgery itself on a credit card), and also lose enough weight that I'm at least below 300 again (which is only 12 lbs and totally doable). I'd really love to be at 280 before the surgery, but one step at a time, yeah?

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I've been on my feet for 25-30 hours each week and barely ever standing still. I bag groceries, including lifting heavy bottles of water and cartons of soda and beer. For at least one hour each shift I am out in the parking lot pushing carts in (and when you get about 5-8 of those, they get heavy!!!). I walk around the store showing customers where things are, cleaning up messes, and putting things back on the shelf. If I could find a pedometer that actually counted my fat steps, I'm sure I would FINALLY be meeting that 10,000 step goal.

My goal is to save up about $1000 pre-op just for unexpected contingencies (putting the surgery itself on a credit card), and also lose enough weight that I'm at least below 300 again (which is only 12 lbs and totally doable). I'd really love to be at 280 before the surgery, but one step at a time, yeah?

I can't comment on the Gum, but good job on getting up and about with your new job. As you said, one step at a time and EVERY little bit helps!

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wow - good job. i'm not a big gum chewer so can't comment eiher but i'd hate to swallow it accidently - i also took a job on the weekends as a demonstrator - no, not political - ha but demonstrating products and food in grocery stores. i agree with the exercise - even tho i'm standing, i'm moving around alot and i just have to stay away from the samples and plan a healthy lunch but i'm enjoying it. it is hard to be on your feet when you aren't used to it - i used to work a grocery store cash register years ago but it won't take long. Good for you - the money will add up in no time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just be careful, I know I can't chew gum because I swallow too much air and then I get uncomfortable. Then again... I always had a bit of a problem with gum anyway. If Dr. Miranda says its OK then it should be OK - but it might be one of those things you try... and then have to avoid if you have problems with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My mom is a dental hygienist. She makes me and my kids chew gum with zylitol in it (very very good for teeth) for 5 minutes three times a day. That was one question I was required to have answered before I had her blessing on the surgery. But Dr. Miranda said 5 minutes was fine, just not longer. But apparently 5 minutes is all that is needed to get the zylitol on your teeth. So I got Mom's blessing.


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