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Frustrated and not losing

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:angry: I need some encouragement folks. I was banded on the 16th of May and have only lost 3 pounds since surgery. I was down 7 but gained back 4 when I went on solids. Everyone else seems to be losing alot more since banding and I am barely making any progress. I am cranky and moody (can you say withdrawl) and not losing doesn't help. Please forgive me for venting I know it isn't anyone's fault I just feel as though I should see more progress. I am eating much less, chewing lots and not drinking with meals etc. My only confession is that I am not getting much exercise. Any of you out there have similar experiences and are now losing even though it is slow? I need some hope.



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I am with you! I was banded on 5/7/08 lost 10 pounds during the first 2 weeks, gained 2 back last week. I am trying all the tricks that other bandsters are using, to see if this will help. I did buy Metamucil last night, to help with being full. I also started a step class last night. I was totally discouraged last week and basically gave up! But I can't give up, this is a $8000.00 tool, so I need to make it work. I completely understand what you are going through. I don't have my first fill scheduled until 7/4/08, I am hoping that will help. DON'T GIVE UP ~ WE CAN DO THIS! :lb25: ;)

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Thank you so much for responding. I know it is almost embarassing to admit that it isn't dropping off at a really fast rate like many of the other people are seeing. Maybe because I am older (51) it will take longer. I think I'll start using the treadmill tonight and see if that jump starts me. Congrats on starting a step class that should help.

I hadn't thought of using Metamucil. Might be an idea for me too since things aren't moving like they should some days. You are right it is alot of money to just give up.

I won't get a fill until around July 11 since my son's wedding is on the 5th and I am doing the photography and all the food for the reception. I don't want to risk not feeling well. Thanks again for the encouragement. I don't feel quite so alone.


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Thank you so much for responding. I know it is almost embarassing to admit that it isn't dropping off at a really fast rate like many of the other people are seeing. Maybe because I am older (51) it will take longer. I think I'll start using the treadmill tonight and see if that jump starts me. Congrats on starting a step class that should help.

I hadn't thought of using Metamucil. Might be an idea for me too since things aren't moving like they should some days. You are right it is alot of money to just give up.

I won't get a fill until around July 11 since my son's wedding is on the 5th and I am doing the photography and all the food for the reception. I don't want to risk not feeling well. Thanks again for the encouragement. I don't feel quite so alone.


Definitely do not feel alone........the more I read the forum it is very common not to lose that much weight before your 1st fill. I no longer have any restriction and at work I just want to snack all day. Evette told me about the metamucil, and I also have the eating order printed and taped everywhere, like my computer, my fridge, the bathroom mirror. I am trying all the tricks. The class was wonderful last night, I am so glad I started. Anytime you start feeling discourage, please feel free to email or post on the forum. This forum helps so much.

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Hello Painter and Soccermom.

First... this is a long term process, and NOT an overnight cure. We WISH it was, but normal losses from the best "losers" is 50-70 pounds a YEAR. I plateaued after the first fill, and now it's time for a second fill, until the perfect fill/loss balance is found. According to lisal and the others in the chat room last night, some people have as many as 8 or 9 fills.

Second... YES.... not only you CAN do it, but you WILL do it! And you will be successful. If you're looking for drastic results, try the soup diet again, or the pre-op diet. I've had one fill (5/17) and I see a reduction in my intake already compared to before. I want a second fill to shift my metabolism into losing a bit more.

I've successfully limited sweets, potatoes and breads (not eliminated, but selective in the amounts). I've gone from large servings to kids meals in most restaurants (I always pack up half of the meal to go before eating if I order a regular sized meal). I need to stop the lemonade/sweetened tea and start on water more that I do to help me lose more.

Lastly, BELIEVE in yourself, and what course you've taken. $8K is an expensive fad, and I won't let it waste. I've set short term loss goals. When I reach 80% of my goal, I am going to Atlantis in the Carribean (I want Hedo, but I will be overruled, I think lol). The goals are known by the family so they can help motivate and encourage too ("Let's get one dinner tonight and share it").

Talk to some of the best "losers" who have been at it a long time. I'm envious of lisal, she looks AWESOME and was banded in 2006, I think. It took me MANY years to build up to my size when i was banded - I have to be a little patient to get rid of it. But we are ALL in this together... a common band, I mean bond.

I challenge both of you to add one physical activity every day. I start in the pool now that school is out.

And, VISUALIZE. See yourself as you will be in a few months. Think of seeing yourself in an awesome evening gown, prepared to do the town, glistening earrings sparkling as you turn in the mirror, your eyes livid pools of excitement knowing the fun you're getting ready to have, and the smile... the proud smile from seeing what you've accomplished. That day WILL arrive..... just have confidence in it.

WOW Cheryl!! I just looked at your ticker!! You've ALREADY lost 20% of your goal!! BEFORE your first fill!!! That's excellent!...

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:angry: I need some encouragement folks. I was banded on the 16th of May and have only lost 3 pounds since surgery. I was down 7 but gained back 4 when I went on solids. Everyone else seems to be losing alot more since banding and I am barely making any progress. I am cranky and moody (can you say withdrawl) and not losing doesn't help. Please forgive me for venting I know it isn't anyone's fault I just feel as though I should see more progress. I am eating much less, chewing lots and not drinking with meals etc. My only confession is that I am not getting much exercise. Any of you out there have similar experiences and are now losing even though it is slow? I need some hope.



Hon, I know right where you are at! I was banded 3/24 and still waiting for loss! I've been told a million times that you can't expect to lose until your first fill. I did get that, and only had restriction for 1 meal. Then, I was told it takes a second fill before you get restriction, so I am waiting for that now too. That is 6/27 and can't come soon enough.

If I were you, I would get that first fill out of the way ASAP. Then set up an appointment for your seconmd fill ASAP too. That is where I hear most people have their success. A few people have restriction with their first fill but not many.

And don't worry, I WILL NOT tell you the band is just a tool as I have been told repeatedly. I understand that tool has to be working to be of help, and I think once you get your second fill, you will be pleased.

Don't worry, it will come, probably slower rather than faster, but think of that as a good thing. The slower the better and then your skin won't hang either!!

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Hello Painter and Soccermom.

First... this is a long term process, and NOT an overnight cure. We WISH it was, but normal losses from the best "losers" is 50-70 pounds a YEAR. I plateaued after the first fill, and now it's time for a second fill, until the perfect fill/loss balance is found. According to lisal and the others in the chat room last night, some people have as many as 8 or 9 fills.

Second... YES.... not only you CAN do it, but you WILL do it! And you will be successful. If you're looking for drastic results, try the soup diet again, or the pre-op diet. I've had one fill (5/17) and I see a reduction in my intake already compared to before. I want a second fill to shift my metabolism into losing a bit more.

I've successfully limited sweets, potatoes and breads (not eliminated, but selective in the amounts). I've gone from large servings to kids meals in most restaurants (I always pack up half of the meal to go before eating if I order a regular sized meal). I need to stop the lemonade/sweetened tea and start on water more that I do to help me lose more.

Lastly, BELIEVE in yourself, and what course you've taken. $8K is an expensive fad, and I won't let it waste. I've set short term loss goals. When I reach 80% of my goal, I am going to Atlantis in the Carribean (I want Hedo, but I will be overruled, I think lol). The goals are known by the family so they can help motivate and encourage too ("Let's get one dinner tonight and share it").

Talk to some of the best "losers" who have been at it a long time. I'm envious of lisal, she looks AWESOME and was banded in 2006, I think. It took me MANY years to build up to my size when i was banded - I have to be a little patient to get rid of it. But we are ALL in this together... a common band, I mean bond.

I challenge both of you to add one physical activity every day. I start in the pool now that school is out.

And, VISUALIZE. See yourself as you will be in a few months. Think of seeing yourself in an awesome evening gown, prepared to do the town, glistening earrings sparkling as you turn in the mirror, your eyes livid pools of excitement knowing the fun you're getting ready to have, and the smile... the proud smile from seeing what you've accomplished. That day WILL arrive..... just have confidence in it.

WOW Cheryl!! I just looked at your ticker!! You've ALREADY lost 20% of your goal!! BEFORE your first fill!!! That's excellent!...

Will T you are my HERO! Thank you so much for the encouragement and words of wisdom!! I will probably keep this post someplace so I can keep going back to it and read it when I start feeling discouraged. I was actually thinking about going back to the soup/liquid diet before my 1st fill appt, 7/4/08. Lisal looks amazing and have already sent her a few messages asking for advise. You bandsters are all wonderful! Thank you again.


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Check the average weight loss for the six weeks between banding and first fill - it seems to be around 10 lbs.

You are on track. Keep up the good work.

Drink more water and add a little exercise!

:angry: I need some encouragement folks. I was banded on the 16th of May and have only lost 3 pounds since surgery. I was down 7 but gained back 4 when I went on solids. Everyone else seems to be losing alot more since banding and I am barely making any progress. I am cranky and moody (can you say withdrawl) and not losing doesn't help. Please forgive me for venting I know it isn't anyone's fault I just feel as though I should see more progress. I am eating much less, chewing lots and not drinking with meals etc. My only confession is that I am not getting much exercise. Any of you out there have similar experiences and are now losing even though it is slow? I need some hope.



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You are doing fine! We all have setbacks..I just had my first one and now I am back on track. I have learned that I lose weight much more quickly when I only drink water..no liquid calories. I do have a cup of coffee daily with cram and equal though. Just hold your head up and drink lots of water. It will happen!

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You are doing fine! We all have setbacks..I just had my first one and now I am back on track. I have learned that I lose weight much more quickly when I only drink water..no liquid calories. I do have a cup of coffee daily with cram and equal though. Just hold your head up and drink lots of water. It will happen!

I have started drinking way more water due to your advice. I have 3 liters at work, then when I am home I usually will have another 16 oz.

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That is great! I was shocked at how many calories just Gatorade has in it. I used to drink tons of gatorade. I save all my calories for food.

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I too have been discouraged and not getting any family support... I keep coming back to this forum and while I don't post very often, I read that others are in the same boat as me and I take comfort from all the responses from everyone. Esp Will... :ph34r:

I have added walking 5km and hitting the gym again for 5 days a week exercise and drinking 3L of water a day as per everyone's advise so we shall see where this takes me.

My problem is extreme hunger. my stomach is sometimes so empty that even with water in it it growls horribly and almost hurts. I am scheduled for a 2nd fill next week in Arlington so I am hoping to at least get over this feeling...

slow and steady we will reach the goal...together! :-h

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That is great! I was shocked at how many calories just Gatorade has in it. I used to drink tons of gatorade. I save all my calories for food.

I have never been a gatorade person and have always looked at the calories in my drinks (just not in my foods) hahahaha!

I am a big Special K water person now and I have started drinking ice tea which I never liked before.

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Thanks everyone! I feel much better. My mood is really wacky since giving up my pacifer (food). Guess I should jump on the counselling band wagon. Will you are a sweetie thanks so much for taking the time to encourage us.


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Hello everyone

One thing that might help because it help me is to go back on lean cursine dinners.

I eat one for lunch and one for dinner and I have a protein shake for breakfast. I stop eating after 6:00 p.m. I also walk for an hour after work. I been losing about 5-8 pounds a week. I did gain weight back when I got on solids. I know I had to do something. Yes, this band is a tool and you need to use it has a tool. Don't stop keep going, We all can do this, we have great suppport and that matters.

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It's probably not what you want to hear, but I'm dieting. The band just makes it easier. Temptations aren't as powerful anymore because of the fullness I get from meals.

What i am doing as well is changing my behaviors that got me here. If I cook, I fix my plate and before I eat, I put up everything else so there won't be seconds to have and there won't be any chance to eat a spoonfull of this and a taste of that while I'm putting up the food. when I'm done with my plate, I'm done. No more food. It's in the freezer! if I'm still hungry after I finish eating, I'll wait a little while then eat a sugar free pudding or a Popsicle.

I've stopped eating in my car. Mostly because I've stopped going to fast food places. I take at least 20 minutes for my meal.

I don't keep snacks in the house. Period. I don't buy them at all.

I make sure to get 25-30 grams of fiber every day. And this isn't easy!

I make sure I have the right kinds of food and snacks at work.


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Wow.. all such great ideas. It has strongly been suggested to me by my counsellor that I am seeing, that I write out a meal plan every week in advance. What I am going to eat everyday, and grocery shop for those foods on the weekend. She said you should never "sway off" if you can say to yourself, I can't wait to get home and have ??? for dinner.. instead of saying.. I have no idea what I'm going to have for dinner, so maybe I'll just through the drive thru. Way too easy. I'm going to start this weekend, and I will let you all know how I do.

You should also look under "Doctor's Corner" as Dr. O has posted two great write-ups in there.

Be strong.. be positive.. and think yourself thin! It will take time, but as Will said.. Look at Lisa... it can be done, and it will be done, by each and every one of us.. and at all different times.

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