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Day Two Post-op-Update

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Hi Ladies,

I am doing a bit better today, still gassy, but it's definitely starting to come up and out! LOL!!

I am finding that I am not hungry at all and have to force myself to drink my broth and juice, did anyone else feel this way?

I am hoping I am moving a bit quicker by the weekend...when I read that you guys went shopping on Revolution Ave the next day, I am thinking OMG...I could barely move....I am also thinking that the procedure performed in TJ may be different from here in Canada.

My surgery took 2 hours...how long it the surgery in TJ? I think I saw 45 min and now Sunshine says 10 minutes, how is that possible?

Here is a brief summary of my day's events:

Woke up at 4:45 a.m., my husband drove us to Mississauga, arrived at the Day Surgery Care Unit at 6:30 a.m.. I changed into the gown and my own fluffy terrycloth housecoat, anti-embolism stockings and slippers. They called me into an office to go over some details and gave me a shot of Heparin(blood thinner), and I still have the bruise on my arm from that. I was then placed into a waiting area with my husband for about 5 minutes. I was called into the surgical waiting area, so said good-bye to my hubby and waited for the anesthesiologist and surgeon to come to speak with me. They layered me with warm blankets from an oven and the doctors came and went. I got very emotional sitting there alone, I find anesthetic kind of freaks me out, afraid of not coming out of it, but I have never had any issues, so I get myself all worked up for nothing.

They escorted me to the operating room, I got up on the table, they put in the IV and monitors and next thing you know I was in recovering begging for an ice chip. I swear the worst part of any surgery is the feeling of dry mouth and throat afterwards. I also get the shakes from the anesthetic wear-off. I was layered with warm blankets, given some morphine and finally got my ice chips. The nurse said "aren't they the best tasting ice chips ever?" Oh yes, they were!!!

From recovery I was moved into surgical day care recovery where my husband was allowed to come in to say hi. i was there for about an hour and then moved to a surgical chair from the bed and they took out the IV (holy cow did it ever leave a huge blood bruise). My hubby helped me get dressed and I was put into a wheelchair and he took me out to the main entrance and brought up the car. We drove home from the hospital, about an hour's drive, the longest, most uncomfortable drive ever!! I was glad to get home, but unfortunately, when I did, I could not find a comfortable spot to sit or lay down. I have a really high pillow top bed, and I am a short-ass, so hiking my butt up there on the best of days is no easy task...but I managed to stack about 7 pillows(including a huge dog pillow-we don't have a dog, my hubby works in vet supplies). Sleeping on my back, sort of sitting up is not all that comfortable, but I found a neckroll and it's sooo much better.

Well that's my day...I now on day three and moving around a little better...I am hoping to be ready to go back to work on Monday???

Thanks everyone for your caring and supportive words...you're truly the best friends I have never met!!

Love Cathy

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Hi Cathy,

I was banded in TJ. It only took about 30-45 minutes I think. I too went shopping the next day on Revolution Avenue. I did not have any pain or discomfort except for the gas pains. Sometimes felt like I was having a heart attack. I was not hungry for the first couple of days, then it hit........... broth and pop cycles did not help, I felt like I was starving. I think the doctors in other places do take longer to do the surgery from what I have heard. Maybe Dr. Ortiz is just faster because he does at least 6-9 a day everyday. Who knows?!?

I wish you the best with your band and welcome to the bandsters!

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Glad you are doing well. I wasn't sore after surgery...up and about soon after. Only my port site was a bit sore, but that's it. I wasn't hungry for about 3 weeks after surgery...amazing, but true! Stick to your prescribed diet and beware of "mental hunger". You'll do great!

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Glad to hear that you're bouncing back. I wasn't hungry for a little over week or so. I felt bloaty and I didn't have a BM until the 6th day post op. [Pay attention to that, it can get VERY uncomfortable!] Take care of yourself and keep us updated!!

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It will be better very soon. Just get someone to "pull your finger" a lot, and the gassy feeling will finally subside. Welcome to the club!

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That bloated feeling will be with you for at least a week - at least that is how long I felt it for. It is actually just now starting to really subside. My abdomen finally doesn't look distended anymore lol! I looked about 3 months pregnant for a week or so... just a tiny little pouch lol!! :lol: It will get better, I promise! Also, feeling not hungry is completely normal - your stomach is swollen and your abdomen was filled with air for the Dr.'s to complete the surgery, so feeling extremely full is totally normal. Keep drinkin water and get is as many calories through broth/juice/popsicles as you can! Keep us updated on your progress!

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I do not know the difference between the two surgeries, but do not worry the hunger WILL kick in and it is not fun when it does. I felt a little sore after but went walking all over TJ and went to the San Deigo Zoo the next day. The zoo was tuff but we just kept taking breaks. They told us walking was the best thing for the gas. Does anybody know how long it takes for all the gas to get out. I am 9 days post op and still feel the gas and bloated? Dawn

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Actually surgery only takes about 10minutes, Dr. Ortiz looked at me funny when I asked and said actually only 5 minutes, because he does so many, he did laugh so I'm thinking the 10 minutes ( I think he tries to break his record). I was also shopping the next day. I couldn't walk very fast but had no trouble doing it. I was lucky that I did not have extreme gas pain in the chest or shoulder, however I'm going on to my three weeks post op and I still get gassy especially after I eat. Nothing a bathroom won't solve.

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  sunshinegirl said:
Actually surgery only takes about 10minutes, Dr. Ortiz looked at me funny when I asked and said actually only 5 minutes, because he does so many, he did laugh so I'm thinking the 10 minutes ( I think he tries to break his record). I was also shopping the next day. I couldn't walk very fast but had no trouble doing it. I was lucky that I did not have extreme gas pain in the chest or shoulder, however I'm going on to my three weeks post op and I still get gassy especially after I eat. Nothing a bathroom won't solve.

OMG!! 10 minutes??? How is that possible?

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Mine took 43 minutes.

I was the same as you. I had no desire to eat or drink. I actually had to drink teaspoons of water from a bowl to keep myself hydrated. Try that if you start to feel weak.

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  Kim2BSlim said:

Mine took 43 minutes.

I was the same as you. I had no desire to eat or drink. I actually had to drink teaspoons of water from a bowl to keep myself hydrated. Try that if you start to feel weak.

Thanks Kim, I have been sipping water, broth, gaterade and had some jello, oh and a popcicle. I am trying really had to keep hydrated. I certainly don't want to get sick.

Did you ever feel anxious about starting to eat creamy soups, yogurt or pudding...or even regular food? I am feeling scared...I am not sure what my stomach can handle? I guess if I PB then I am not ready for that type of food, would that be right?

Thanks Cathy

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Hi Cathy,

Don't worry about the hunger, they are all right it will come, this is some of the hardest days to get through the first 2 weeks, after that its much much better. I had lots of shoulder pain with or without food. Phazyme did help alot!

I was surprised to see that they injected heparin into your arm, that is suppose to be given in the abdomen. I lost track of time with the anesthesia, but my husband said I was back in about 15 min. However, I was very sore afterwards too, but I also developed a large hematoma around my port site. It has taken about 3-4 weeks for that to subside.

Hang in there it gets better!

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I still can't get over how quickly the TJ band surgery is? Mine was a full two hours and recovery was another two hours.

Wow, I am not sure if surgery is performed differently here in Canada, but I will ask my surgeon if he knows the difference?

When banded in TJ do they stitch the band to your stomach? My surgeon did to avoid slippage or movement.


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Hi Cathy,

They do stitch the band to the stomach. I have no idea how long it took for mine, I don't remember anything but the nurse putting a thing in a vein in my room. I pretty much don't remember anything except being given a popsicle and a juice and waking up in the night and walking down to the bathroom. Everyone else said the gas pain was bad and they were doing lots of walking. I just slept a lot.

I do remember Dr. O saying it takes about 30-45 minutes.

I suspect it doesn't take as long because Dr. O has done...what?...4,000 surgeries so he has lots and lots of experience.


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  jena said:
I do remember Dr. O saying it takes about 30-45 minutes.


My paperwork says surgery time was 35 min. I also had a hiatal hernia repaired during that time. My experience with recovery was much like everyone elses in TJ so maybe things are done differently... I have had surgery in Canada before where I was give a specific anesthesia that kept you under for exactly the time necessary and woke up immediately after. it was also a quick recovery surgery... compared to the other 10 or so that I have had.

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