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September Surgery Patients

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Thanks for the encouragement. Today instead of one of my shakes, I pureed and heated some black bleans of the same caloric amount as a shake and had that. Tasted much better and just about as much protein. Still under 1000 calories for the day. I have 4 more pound to go until next Thursday so if all else fails I'll go run 3-4 miles and sweat it out!!

You havin cold feet at all?


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You'll be checkin out as I am checkin in ...Good Luck My surgery is on the 7th.


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I'm about to hop in the car, park at the San Diego airport, and take the clinic's shuttle to get banded on the 4th. If anyone will be down there, say hi... I'll be the fat guy. ;)

Seriously, I have black hair and a salt & pepper goatee (more on the salty side, thank you very much).


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Guest GINA O.

My surgery date is Sept. 18th. I feel very comfortable with my TJ decision. I am excitedly nervous...:unsure: BUT, I am ready to get on with a new and improved life. I am traveling from a tiny town in East Texas and look forward to this great adventure! Anyone from East Texas?

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  GINA O. said:

My surgery date is Sept. 18th. I feel very comfortable with my TJ decision. I am excitedly nervous...:unsure: BUT, I am ready to get on with a new and improved life. I am traveling from a tiny town in East Texas and look forward to this great adventure! Anyone from East Texas?

My surgery is also Sept. 18th and I can't believe it's two weeks away. I too am nervous, but so excited. I am coming from Arizona. See you there!

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No cold feet yet. I'm actually getting more excited the more I read and and review the forums on what to expect. I got both Dr. Ortiz's book and the one by J.Ahroni, both were pretty good.

I also dropped 1 shake, and added some broccoli for lunch. I'm using the HMR 800 shakes (16gr protein, 160 cals) which whip up fairly well. Good for 10 pounds over the first three days. So now I'm at 20 lbs down since Aug 2nd (so what do I need the band for? I think we all know the answer to that). So while I'm determined in the short term, I'm looking forward to making a fast start and continuing with the bands help. I'm ready for Friday.

Nice to see some other guys on the forum. Here's a question, do we need to chest/belly shave before?


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I've got 2 more pounds to go by Thursday, so I think I'll make it. Probably will have to shave chest, much better option of area to shave than when I had a hernia operation. If you know what I mean:) I tried to get a copy of Dr. Ortiz book, but Amazon screwed around after two weeks sent an order confirmation, I said forget it. Now I can't find it anywhere else, I hate going back to Amazon on principle.


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  tombourn said:


I've got 2 more pounds to go by Thursday, so I think I'll make it. Probably will have to shave chest, much better option of area to shave than when I had a hernia operation. If you know what I mean:) I tried to get a copy of Dr. Ortiz book, but Amazon screwed around after two weeks sent an order confirmation, I said forget it. Now I can't find it anywhere else, I hate going back to Amazon on principle.



It took me forever to get the book through Amazon cuz it wasn't in stock, but it's well worth it. If you don't want to go back to Amazon, you can always order it through your local Borders or Barnes and Nobles. You can pick it up at the store when they get it in or they can send it to you.

I'm going to TJ tomorrow to meet Dr. Ortiz and tour the clinic - can't wait!!!

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Ok, kiddies... I survived. Consider me a bandster.

All went well, including the pre-surgery labs. Before you know it, you're climbing up on the table and going ni ni... My surgery took a whopping 11 minutes. Probably two minutes longer than it should since I had a small hiatal hernia. Awoke in my patient room, and from then 'til now I've consumed an Otter Pop, a Capri Sun juice, and some sips of water.

Unfortunately, it didn't go as well for another person. After 1.5 hours, they decided to abort the surgery. Due to previous surgeries, my understanding is the organs where not all positioned they would expect them to be, and there were serious risks long term if they were to do it. Bummer.

I plan on writing a detailed outline of my adventure though Bandsterland. Maybe it's not an E ticket... but still worthy of blowing your hair back.

More to come!

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[Hey jamesA

Are you the guy i met in the lucerna lobby on 8/23??? I was there getting a fill with my friend Heather (she's the one who has lost 90+ lbs in a year, me a measley 15). Anyway, glad you are doing well - continued wishes for all good bandster things (i.e. no pb's - steady weight loss - happiness and bliss)

bquote name=JamesA' date='Sep 5 2006, 01:22 AM' post='4088]

Ok, kiddies... I survived. Consider me a bandster.

All went well, including the pre-surgery labs. Before you know it, you're climbing up on the table and going ni ni... My surgery took a whopping 11 minutes. Probably two minutes longer than it should since I had a small hiatal hernia. Awoke in my patient room, and from then 'til now I've consumed an Otter Pop, a Capri Sun juice, and some sips of water.

Unfortunately, it didn't go as well for another person. After 1.5 hours, they decided to abort the surgery. Due to previous surgeries, my understanding is the organs where not all positioned they would expect them to be, and there were serious risks long term if they were to do it. Bummer.

I plan on writing a detailed outline of my adventure though Bandsterland. Maybe it's not an E ticket... but still worthy of blowing your hair back.

More to come!

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  JamesA said:

No, that wasn't me... my first visit to TJ wasn't until 9/3.

Hi James! I guess we missed you. We left TJ on Sun. The surgery was easy huh! Never had a moment of fear. The post op diet is not too bad. I kinda worry how the first week of solids will be but I'm sure it will be fine. Good luck to you !!



Banded 9-1-06

highest - 222




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Sorry Mysterymachine, I guess you were the last to post from this compuer at OCC.. I logged you out.. and reposted

Well, I'm a bandster. All my fellow new bandsters are asleep and all the families have been shipped back to the hotel. Two popcicles down many more to come I hope and a Capri-Sun. Not to much pain just a knot or two in the stomach literally!!

Did my 20 laps and now I think I'll go watch a football game


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  tombourn said:

Sorry Mysterymachine, I guess you were the last to post from this compuer at OCC.. I logged you out.. and reposted

Well, I'm a bandster. All my fellow new bandsters are asleep and all the families have been shipped back to the hotel. Two popcicles down many more to come I hope and a Capri-Sun. Not to much pain just a knot or two in the stomach literally!!

Did my 20 laps and now I think I'll go watch a football game


No problem Tom,

I deleted your post on my behalf ;)

Glad to see all went well! Congrats :)

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Okay all of you new bandsters, I will soon be able to make this "claim to fame" on 9-22. I am struggling with the pre-op and very fearful that I will not lose the weight prior to the surgery. I was on Atkins last week and managed to lose 3 pounds, I'm now doing the pre-op for the second day and wondering if I'm going to make it... Please I need encouragement. My BMI is right at 49, I'm 5'3" and weigh a whopping 286 as of this morning. This surgery is an answer to a prayer. I've quit smoking and know I need to add a little exercise but honestly I'm so tired from dragging this fat everywhere that when I get home I'm ready to fall on the couch.. hence this is how I got here. Suggestions?

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  Skinny Jenny said:

Okay all of you new bandsters, I will soon be able to make this "claim to fame" on 9-22. I am struggling with the pre-op and very fearful that I will not lose the weight prior to the surgery. I was on Atkins last week and managed to lose 3 pounds, I'm now doing the pre-op for the second day and wondering if I'm going to make it... Please I need encouragement. My BMI is right at 49, I'm 5'3" and weigh a whopping 286 as of this morning. This surgery is an answer to a prayer. I've quit smoking and know I need to add a little exercise but honestly I'm so tired from dragging this fat everywhere that when I get home I'm ready to fall on the couch.. hence this is how I got here. Suggestions?

Jenny, Did you speak with Dr. Miranda about this? I think you should give her a call and maybe she will have some suggestions for you. Good Luck Nita

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