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What the Heck am I supposed to be eating?

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I just got my second fill on June 7th, and the restriction is good. GREAT! But I still feel like I don't know what foods to eat or how to eat. I have a family so basically at dinner I make a meat selection (Chicken, Turkey, fish, or tofu) some veggies and rice, noodles beans, etc. I make my self a small plate and still don't finish. All of that is fine, but I am not seeing any loss. My clothes fit better, but I don't exercise ( I am currently in summer school) so I know it's not muscles. Does anyone have a sample menu or something I could look at. I looked at the literature they give you at OCC and they just say split the plate up and eat in order, but I want to know WHAT to put on the plate. I just feel like if I had a menu I could duplicate that I would be losing better/faster.

Thank for any advice you could give me!

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