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When does the port site stop hurting?

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Hi there - sorry you're dealing with that darn port site pain! Yes, in my experience, something like sleeping on the site or bending for too long a period of time, etc. can cause that pain. Be sure to be very conscious of your movements - excessive use of the ab muscles early on or direct pressure can definitely cause it to hurt. I'm just over a month out and I'd say it's been about 2 weeks since I felt mine at all, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Hope you feel 100% soon!

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Mine took several weeks to feel normal again. I couldn't sleep on my stomach or side for over a month. It will get better!

I remember when mine was so sore I was freaking out about getting a fill and having a needle stuck in that painful spot! Mine was completely healed by my first fill.

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Hi Cathy,

I feel like I have a lot of port pain too. I am going to ask my fill doctor about it when I see her in July. I have learned to sleep on the other side and if I do sleep on the port side, I use a long body pillow and a king size feather pillow to cushion and support that side.

The other thing I noticed is that my stomach looks misshapen where i suspect the port is and where the band is. Maybe I am still just swollen, after all it is just 30 days post op. I guess all things take time.


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I was convinced I had pulled mine or damaged it some how. It took about 3 weeks for the burning feeling to stop.

even now (6 weeks) if I turn the wrong way it still hurts, now if my left shoulder would just feel better!! :wacko:


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I'm right there with you on the neck and shoulder pain and the port site pain. I really only notice the port pain while bending to the left or sleeping on my left side. I too, use the pillow to help prop up the port site. I started walking 30 min on the treadmill, and that does make the shoulder pain subside for awhile, but it does return, for me at night.

I just keep telling myself this won't last forever, and it will be worth it in about a month when the pain is gone and I'm feeling like myself again. All in all, it' hasn't been too bad.

Hang in there, and things will begin to look up.


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Thanks for asking this question. I have alot of discomfort on my left side still and was getting a bit worried. I had my surgery on May 16. Some days are worse than others and it could have to do with bending and sleeping, I hadn't really thought of that.


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I don't remember at what point, but I finally forgot about my port... It quit hurting and I forgot that it was there (physically.) I was sucking in my stomach the other day and reached up to see what that bulge was, duhhhhhhhhh...

I am not happy with how far it sticks out.. it really bothers me... I don't know what I will decide to do about that; probably nothing, since I am sure it will involve money.

Ooops.. chased a rabbit for a moment there... I think yours is too new yet not to be uncomfortable with bending, pushing, pulling, lifting, or anything of that type that you are not normally used to doing.

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