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in need of advice :-/

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Hey, my name is Danielle and i was wondering if i could get some advice on the lap band so I'm going to give you my story.

I've been overweight all of my life ever since i was about 3 or so. Now I'm 16 going on 17 in a month I'm 5'8" and i weight 326lbs. I have always hated the way i looked but it hadn't hit me till middle school until i started getting teased a lot that i was over weight. Two years ago i was told by my doctor to go to Children's Hospital to get my heart checked out, blood pressure, ect.

After that day they made me realized i could have a heart attack at anytime and only at 16. A month after that my friend and i decided to come up with a work out plan and a diet which seemed great at the time but to my surprise it only lasted a month. I worked out everyday starting out walking the track at a school close to my house and eating very small meals. After three weeks of trying so hard to shed some pounds i couldnt see any results, therefore i tried to push my self even harder giving my self asthma attacks regularly whenever i went to the track. As soon as i realized nothing was happening i gave up and gained any weight i had lost plus some. Because of my weight i haven't had a boyfriend, had dates to homecoming and any other dances and having someone tell me they haven't liked me because I'm fat really shot down my self esteem.

I've done research about the Lap Band but it said you have to be at least 18 to get it done and I've tried dieting countless times and nothing seems to have worked for me. Almost everyone in my family is big and i don't want them to think I'm taking the "easy way" out. I understand you have to work really hard with it but i dont know if i should get it done.

I would really appreciate it if you could give me any advice you have.


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Guest cedartown

DR O will operate on you.I feel sure.

This isn't lap & forget it though.You will have some of the same mental problems & choices to make as on previous diets.

Make up your mind & do it.$8000 is all it costs from him & it will change your life if you stick to the Dr's orders.

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Hi Danielle,

I too was always heavy as a kid...I'm way older than you are, but I still remember. Yes, the OCC will do the lapband for you. The most famous teen on the forum is Cassie. She was 13 when she had the procedure done and she has done a wonderful job working with her band. She was on the Oprah show a while back and in fact, the show is suppose to air again on August 11th, I think.

If you go to the topics for teens on this same webpage, you will find lots of useful information, or you and your mom can email Lori at the OCC for information.

Good luck...


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Hi Danielle,

I have been overweight since I was 14 yrs old and now at 45, I decided to get healthy.

If your parents are agreeable to getting the band, do it now...and you will have a long and healthy life without the struggles of being overweight.

Oh and sweetie, anyone who thinks this is the easy way out, knows nothing about it. Just read some of the posts and you will soon realize that having the band is not easy, it's hard work, sacrifice and a complete lifestyle change.

I have been on a liquid diet for a month, no solid food...ask anyone how long they would last on a diet like that? I had my surgery on June 10th and started liquids two weeks before surgery. I cannot eat solid food until July 11th. No honey this is not the easy way!!!

If you have any questions at all, you will find the answers here!! Or talk to Dr. O.

Good luck!


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Oprah did a show on Teens and Weight loss which featured Dr. Ortiz and Cassie they will be re-airing the show on Aug 11th, I know that's a long time but maybe you can tape it and show it to your parents if they are having a hard time with you considering getting banded.

It was the best choice I ever made for myself and hopefully it is just the thing to change your life as well!!

Good Luck Sweetie!

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Hi Danielle,

I will be 27 on Saturday, and I too have been overweight my whole life. I love my band! My only regret is that I didn't do it when I was your age. A lot of medical problems come along with weight: Diabetes, Heart disease, Thyroid conditions, sleep apnea, reproductive problems, etc.

I was borderline all of the above 6 months ago. I have a condition which makes me gain weight and also makes it very hard to lose, and I was told I could not have children, unless I lost all my weight which will get rid of other problems first. Now I am 3 months banded and here to say that all my tests came out normal and I will be able to have children in the near future. :)

My siggestion to you is that you have your parents watch the Oprah Show on August 11th, and let them choose a different path in life for you. Good Luck and keep us posted!!!

That's fantastic Evette!! I had no idea that you had struggled so much...you did the right thing and cheers to you and your new life!!


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thanks guys for the info u have been giving me! i really appreciate it :D

i talked to my parents about getting it last week and they said if thats what i really want to do then they will let me do it, but now my mom kinda changed her whole perspective on it and i don't think she wants me to do it, at least thats what it seems like because she doesn't seem to interested about it if i talk about the band which makes me nervous talking about it to my parents. She said " well u know u can only eat like a half a cup of food right?" and i just thought i dont care. its totally worth it, im just sick of being like this and trying to lose weight before and no results. They just told me " well you cant diet for 3 days and expect something to come out of it." and i know that, i mean i dieted for a month and i only lost a total of 5lbs working my butt off. i dont think they really understand.

But I'm kind of a picky eater ( as if u could tell right? lol) so when i was on my diet i ate the same thing EVERY night, and that included: baked chicken, 1/4 cup of white steamed rice and 4 carrots.

i dont know, i just feel really awkward talking to them about it...

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:rolleyes: Danielle,, I think you can go to Oprah.com and look into ordering the tape/transcript before Aug 11th if you don't want to wait. I did that when I wanted a subject and they sent it out. I don't recall what the cost was, but I am sure they can tell you all about that if you contact them.

Having had gastric bypass in 2001(open) was just the thing I needed as I was really big... But with that sort of WLS people tend to stretch and that is what happened to me. So I spent $30K on that surgery Insurance didn't cover it and now another $12,500 for the lap band. (that is the cost now over the bypass)I wish that I had the lap band as an option to begin with. I am chopped up inside and rerouted and the original surgery isn't reversable where as the lap band is and there is no cutting. Modification of your behavior is the key. This isn't the easy way out at all,, I've been to hell and back so who ever tells you that knows not a thing about weight issues and the crappy life it leads.

Look over the web site with your parents, Carolyn is very informative. Call and ask questions, we are all here for you. I ask questions and sometimes I feel like an idiot, but no one ever treats me like that. I love everyone here. We all may have a different story but in the end we all have the same story essentially.. It is so great that there is such support out here like this group, I never had that with my first surgery. I am pretty new here and feel like I fit right in.

I didn't suffer as a kid with weight issues, not until I was in my 30"s did I gain weight and have struggled with it for 15 years. It has been horrible,, I AM THE ONLY FAT ONE IN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY,, so take it from an old bag like me enjoy your life and do what you gotta do you are so young to have to go through such pain. Research it and make the decision that is right for you!! Take care sweety xo Lisa

P.S. Keep your parents informed.. they will appreciate it. I know I do when my 15 YO Daughter includes me. :)

P.S.S. Please don't be afraid to discuss this with your parents,, they need to be informed... try to see things from their prospective and ask them to do the same for you. It's hard!! Be strong and encourage them to visit here and meet all of us...:)

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Dear Danielle,

My goodness girl you are stunning! Sorry just had to say that. First of all I don't know if you have been to Dr. Ortiz's site but if you follow this link http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/success.php you will find Cassie at the bottom of the page. She has said she would happily correspond with any teens who are thinking of the surgery. I have a friend with a 16 year old daughter who is going for the surgery and she (the mom) is an RN in the US. The first thing the daughter had to do was talk with Dr. Ortiz. He has to be sure you are prepared for the changes. Perhaps you can get your mom to speak with him. This might help settle her fears. It is possible to have the surgery and not lose weight but I think it would be very difficult. I've heard stories about it but I don't know anyone like that. All I can guess is that they either had an inexperienced doctor who made the pouch too big or are drinking an awful lot of liquid calories. And finally of course you are more than welcome to join in here as we are all either Bandsters or Bandsters to be.

Alot of people are afraid when they hear Mexico but in all actuality Dr. Ortiz is the one who has trained most of the US doctors and has way more experience doing the surgery (he's done over 6000). When a friend suggested to me that I should go to Mexico my first response was "no way!" Then I started researching it. I am so happy I went to Dr. Ortiz. Incidentally tell your mom he wrote the book on the surgery (literally). You can buy it on Amazon.com look up Ariel Ortiz Lagardere and the name of the book is Lap-band for life or check out his website and you will see the book there. It might be worth ordering it so you can both read it and get a full understanding of how it works.

Good Luck sweetie, I hope to see you posting soon telling us you have your surgery date!


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Hi Danielle,

I will be 27 on Saturday, and I too have been overweight my whole life. I love my band! My only regret is that I didn't do it when I was your age. A lot of medical problems come along with weight: Diabetes, Heart disease, Thyroid conditions, sleep apnea, reproductive problems, etc.

I was borderline all of the above 6 months ago. I have a condition which makes me gain weight and also makes it very hard to lose, and I was told I could not have children, unless I lost all my weight which will get rid of other problems first. Now I am 3 months banded and here to say that all my tests came out normal and I will be able to have children in the near future. :)

My suggestion to you is that you have your parents watch the Oprah Show on August 11th, and let them choose a different path in life for you. Good Luck and keep us posted!!!

Evette, dahling.... you look WONDERFUL! I am also so happy for your bloodwork and tests to come back normal. I pray God gives you the desire of your heart.

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Hi Danielle,

I just wanted to say that a) I think you are gorgeous! and b ) I am also 5'8" and my starting weight was 333lbs, so I can really identify with how much you have to lose and how very, very far away a healthy weight can feel right now. I got banded May 15th, not even 6 weeks ago yet, and I can already tell a world of difference within myself. For starters, I'm back under the 300lb mark (yay!) and I feel so much better...more energy, less mad at myself all the time about my bad food choices, etc. All this advice you have gotten so far here is very good - talk to Dr. Ortiz, talk to Cassie, start that conversation with your parents even if they seem uninterested at first. It may be that talk of a surgery makes them nervous or that they just don't know enough about the lap band to really know what to talk about. Sit them down and tell them that you've been really doing your homework and that you are seriously considering this option and that it would mean the world to you if you had their support, encouragement, and understanding. Get them onto this website and in touch wiht Dr. Ortiz, he's amazing.

Know that we're all here for each other...and that includes being here for YOU! ;)

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thanks so much guys!

and Evette I'm so happy for you! :-)

Everyone here is talking about Dr. Ortiz, is that who most people have got there band surgery from? I don't think my parents would even dare to fly out to mexico just for for the band. But i guess where i live, OSU Medical Center does it and they were one of the first to start giving the band surgery's.

And thanks Amber and Cheryl for the compliment, both or you are also GORGEOUS!!!!! :D

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You are really stunning! I know it must be hard on you to attend school and have people say mean things. Wouldn't it be great to have the surgery and go back for your senior year and graduation with so much confidence in yourself...those people wouldn't know what hit them!

Not everyone on this forum had their surgery done in Mexico, but the majority did. I had my surgery done 12 days ago in Houston, Texas. I just happened to find this forum a few months ago and found it very imformative and very active. I've managed to get several of my questions answered here without having to consult my doctor! The people on this forum are very friendly and upbeat and always willing to help with whatever issue you are dealing with at the moment.

I pray that you will find peace in your decision and if that is to have the surgery, go full steam ahead! We will all be here supporting you the entire time.

God Bless,


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Wherever you decide to go we are all here for you. I hope you and your folks can sit down and talk it out. I have two grown sons and I always worry more about things they are doing so I can understand your mom's worry. Make sure she knows it is completely reversable and the stats on this surgery are really good as for safety and long term weight loss.

Keep in touch and let us know how it goes.


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thanks guys. I talked to my mom today, she seemed a little more interested but still hesitant at the time. I think I'm just more worried about my dad than anything. But i told my mom that i was talking to you guys and how your answering my questions and how helpful you guys have been. I'm so happy i met(well not literally) you guys and for the first time it feels like someone understands. THANK YOU!!!!!! :wub:

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We're all pulling for you girl! Many of us know what it's like to be an overweight teen and I can tell you honestly that I wish this surgery had been around when I was 16. I would have had it done, even if I had to get a job and pay for it myself.

Let your mom and dad know how hard it is for you everyday. Not just health wise, but socially. They have to understand that.

Also make sure they know that your internal organs won't be cut and that the band is completely reversible.

Keep us posted on your progress with your parents. We all care about you.


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Danielle, all most everyone on this web site has been banded by Dr. Ortiz. He is one of the top if not the top lap band surgeons in the world. He teaches the american Dr's how to do it. He is american he just performs the surgery in TJ because he can do it for alot cheaper down there. You wont find one person that is unhappy with Dr. Ortiz, his staff, or his clinic. My experince was awesome! I am 27 and have been over weight my whole life too. I am 5'8" and my starting weight was 248. I had the surgery on 3/27/08 and have lost 22lbs so far. I wish I could have done it when I was your age. In the US the will not opperate on you untill you are 18, and the cost in the US is between $18,000-$25,000 and in TJ it is olny $8,000. Have your mom come on this site and ask questions for her self. My parents didn't want me to have the surgery in mexico either untill I made them do their own research on Dr. Ortiz. The people on this site are awesome and will answer any and all question you or your parents may have. DON'T WEIGHT ANY LONGER! YOU WILL LOVE THE LAP BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 :D

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well i guess my insurance covers my band but why do you have to be 18 in the states? I'm sure they'll make exceptions if your doctor tells them you really need it....right?

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i would encourage you to consult a dr in mexico. as i dont think age will be as big of an issue. i also know that i had my surgery in Juarez MX and paid 7400.00 for it. I just spoke with my patient cordinator tonight and she told me that there is a special on right now for 7,000.00 dollars. Her name is Jessica and her phone number is 503-539-3023. i was very happy with all the service she provided not only before my surgery but after as well. best of luck to you. if i had it to do over again i would definatly get the surgery.

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Hi Danielle:

The 18 thing is physicial specific. I know there are Dr's in the US who will band younger that that but you have to search. It much easier (if you can afford) it to go to TJ. If it's a question of having insurance pay for it or out of pocket just start making phone calls, or better yet you make a list of the numbers and have your mom call so they take her seriously, just to inquire. If you exhaust you're local area try looking on the internet at out of town/state phone books under the physican section. They probably have a wls catagory to make it easier. You may be able to find someone in the states even if you have to fly it might work better for you if your insurance will cover it. I personally recommend Dr. Ortiz no matter what the cost but understand you are at your parent s mercy with this. Has your mom looked at this site? Really encourage her to do this and even get on and star a thread with her questions. People will jump on board to support you and hopefully if it is right fo ryou it will happen. Believe this!!

Stay in touch honey ;)

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i dont really know about going to mexico though because i have to take a class july 7th and if i get it done my class doesnt end till the 25th.

right now my mom said i can get it but i have to talk to my dad. it was hard enough talkin to my mom about it, but my dad....oh geeze.

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Just get your courage up and talk to dad. You may find it helpful to have this website available for him to look at too. I hope your mom is not just putting you off by saying ask your dad. If she truly is supportive of you she will speak up to him especially if she said yes to you already but your dad had to agree to. You can have the surgery after your class in July if you choose to go to TJ, that's only weeks away. You have to lose 5% of your body weight before surgery so this would give you a great amount of time to lose your weight also. Be persistent honey. I'll say it again if it's truly meant to be for you you have to believe it will happen, ask for it (in prayer perhaps if you believe in God) and then just keep on believing. It will come to you but you may need to be a little patient.

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lol i just saw that video of the surgery, totally giving me second thoughts about the band. the incisions were kinda big and when she went for her fill....oh god. me+needles= NOT GOOD

but im still kinda nervous about talkin to dad but i think ill talk to him tomorrow...i hope it goes well

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lol i just saw that video of the surgery, totally giving me second thoughts about the band. the incisions were kinda big and when she went for her fill....oh god. me+needles= NOT GOOD

but im still kinda nervous about talkin to dad but i think ill talk to him tomorrow...i hope it goes well

Surgery is scarey, even for us old folks...but it's over before you know it, the incision fade fast...and the needles, they don't hurt.

Good luck with your Dad!!!


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