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Had My 3rd fill

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On Saturday I went for my 3rd fill, after what happened with my 2nd fill in TJ I decided to just start getting them done here in Vegas.. For those of you that don't know the story I got my 2nd fill at the OCC and went from 1.6cc to 2.3cc, since you will be leaving Mexico a day or so after the fill they want you to "test" it because if you're too tight and don't realize it till you get home and try solids you can't easily get an unfill. So the night after my 2nd fill I had 5 big bites of salad and PB'd it all up, then the next morning I tried 1/4 of a banana and PB'd that as well so I thought I was too tight so I got a .3cc unfill leaving me at 2.0ccs. After a week I realized that I could eat normally and that I probably ate the salad too fast, which caused the PB and then swelling from the night before caused the PB the next morning. So when we went into the doctor he had all sorts of questions about the 5 page questionnaire they have you fill out... When he asked how much weight I had lost in the past 2 weeks and I said 3 lbs he said that usually he doesn't think people who are losing weight at that rapid of a pace because the more you fill the less space you will have left in the band for a fill when you hit a plateau. I told him the whole TJ 2nd fill story and he agreed to do the fill...

He ended up giving me .35cc more because he didn't want me to have the same problem from my last fill so I am now at a total of 2.35ccs (I still had 2.0 exactly in my band from my last fill). The only problem was it took him 9.5 min to get the needle into my port, I swear! This was my first non-fluro fill so I knew it might take longer but he couldn't get to my port, I was afraid it had flipped and he said no but that it was "moving" which he has seen before with other Dr.'s patients but that Dr. O usually adds extra stitches to prevent this... So after trying to "tap around" for the port with the needle in my belly for 3 min I told him he could re-stick me and try again. He said ok took the needle out and got a pen to mark a square around where my port was then tried again he said he was too low or the angle was off but he FINALLY got the needle in the port.

Again the best part of the appointment was that he sat and talked with me and my husband for almost an hour about my diet and my progress and everything else band related... He was really impressed with my progress and could tell that I was really working with the band to get to my goals. He said that in his opinion the most successful patients he sees have 2 things in common:

1. They lost weight during the preop phase (he said he had some patients that GAIN 6-8lbs before surgery because the think the band is going to be a miracle cure so what's a few extra lbs before surgery)

2. They find ways to lose weight whether they think that they have good restriction or not.

He said that there are 3,500 calories in a pound, so if you consume just 100 calories per day MORE than what you burn you will gain 1lb every 35days (that's about 12lbs a year) and 100 calories isn't that much he said there are that many calories in a glass of SKIM milk... So everyday you should think of little ways to burn those extra calories, park you car farther from the store entrance take the stairs... even if you can only make it up 2 flights then take the elevator the rest of the way those 2 flights may burn 20 calories and if you can bvurn 100 more calories than you eat in a day that's 12 extra lbs you'll be able to LOSE in a year... Very interesting take on some pretty common advice.

He was also saying that he is a big believer in smaller fills because it does less damage to the esophagus/band in the long run... He said most of his patients find their sweet spot around 3.0 but he said if he gives someone 3.0 on their first fill 2 things might happen: 1. it might shut them off totally or 2.their body may be able to take it but it will harm their progress in the long run. His example was with the first case if he had started at 1.5 and went up .5cc every few months that same person would have great restriction with arriving at 3.0 slowly than in one big fill... In the second example he said that if someone gets that big of a fill and their body can handle it that tight that he's only left with 1cc of potential space for further fills and that the most common cause of slippage is from a band being too tight even if the person is able to still eat. That's why when his patients reach their goal weights he suggests removing 75% of their fill because the less irritation from this foreign object around your stomach the less chances of complications.

He shared a lot more interesting stuff with me but this post is probably long enough!!

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That's amazing MamaMichelle,

It was so nice of that dr. to sit and talk to you...you have been doing fantastic and obviously are doing the right things.

My surgeon told me that my fills will be small and gradual..which is fine with me, I certainly don't want to have to test the band or PB to find out I was over-filled. I am only one hour away from my surgeon and all of post op care including fills is covered by the fee paid upfront prior to surgery. So slow and steady is just fine with me.

I hope you have found your sweet spot..so that you can continue on your amazing transformation!!!

Take care Cathy

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It sounds like you had a wonderful appt! =D> By the way, I have been missing you around here!

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Hey Michelle,

I live in Vegas also....which doctor did you see for your fill? I will probably go back to the OCC for my first fill but may not always be able to do that and it would be nice to have a nice doctor in mind when that happens!

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Congrats on your progress, you rock. I have a burning questioin for you though. Weren't you afraid the Doc would puncture your tube with all that pocking around. I am getting ready to schedule my first fill and I can not make up my mind whether I should go back to the OCC or go local. I hear so much about the florascope being so important. What are your thoughts, if you don't mind sharing.


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You're a stronger woman than me!!!!! I could have NEVER sat there and let him poke around that long! I'd have been soaked in sweat and probably passed out! :shok: [i'm a sissy though!] Anyways.... how's your restriction? Keep up the GREAT work and keep us updated. Best wishes, Darlene

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Congrats on your progress, you rock. I have a burning questioin for you though. Weren't you afraid the Doc would puncture your tube with all that pocking around. I am getting ready to schedule my first fill and I can not make up my mind whether I should go back to the OCC or go local. I hear so much about the florascope being so important. What are your thoughts, if you don't mind sharing.


They apparently do not use hollow point needles that normally would poke a hole in the materials to reduce any risk of punctures.

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They apparently do not use hollow point needles that normally would poke a hole in the materials to reduce any risk of punctures.

Nope.. they use a special needle designed not to damage the port.... can't remember where I read that, though... probably in one of the posts about letting someone other than a trained lapband nurse or Dr. perform a fill.

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Yeah I'm not gonna make the 4th of July goal either! It sucks too.

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Yeah, I gave up on my goal of 155 by July 4th as well...... that was a bit steep to begin with. -_-

I thought by some miracle that the pounds were going to start flying off once I got a fill, then I got a second one, and still losing very, very slow.

Oh well -- it really does suck.

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Hey guys thanks for the comments!!

The type of needle they use for fills is called a Huber Needle and it has a bend at the tip so you can't be stuck too deep it looks like this:


I actually made a comment about that and he said that when he does fills he makes sure to go on the top side of the port and that the tubing is connected to the bottom of the port, or maybe he went on the bottom side because the tube is connected at the top, I don't recall but he reassured me that he was always careful to avoid the tubing side. The screen part of the port is only the size of a dime so I guess I can understand how it would be harder to hit the target with out fluro to show you the bullseye! I think I will get the fluro next time just to make sure everything is looking great!!

I am feeling well, I have started eating 5 small meals because what I can eat in 3 meals isn't really enough to keep me full for 5hrs... I am fine with that and this doctor actually prefers that for patients who are logging their food and not grazing on the bad stuff! I forgot to weigh yesterday but I was 189.6 in my clothes at the doctors office and 189 at home in my clothes (I always like to see how my scale matches up to the doctors mine looks to be about .6lbs off) and this morning I was 186 in my undies. So I'm loosing a little after my fill!! I will be 4 months post op in 4 days and todays weight puts me at exactly 40lbs lost since surgery, I really can't believe that it has been 4 months that is sooo crazy!

vetters- can't wait to go to the river, I got a new digital camera today so I can take some hot pics of us!! I bought a cute baby phat 1-peice swimsuit today also and I might try on a few bikinis tonight so who knows what will happen!!

As for you 4th of July worriers I'm not going to get there either but you know we have all made great progress and I know we will keep it up!! I was looking at my monthly weigh ins with the doctor and realized that wasn't a realistic goal since I'm averaging about 8lbs a month (other than the 1st month) the doc said my progress was at just the right pace 1-2lbs per week and that getting there isn't a race...

2/28- 226 (start weight)

3/28- 209 (lost 17lbs in my 1st month)

4/28- 202 (lost 7lbs in my 2nd month)

5/28- 194 (lost 8lbs in my 3rd month)

6/24- 186 (lost 8lbs so far in my 4th month)

So if I am 39lbs from my goal and if I can keep up the 8lbs a month I will be at my goal in 5 months!

7/28 178lbs

8/28 170lbs

9/28 162lbs

10/28 154lbs

11/28 146lbs

That will be right around Thanksgiving when my cousin is having her wedding, so that would be great but the realistic side of me know it's going to slow down and plateau so I'm thinking I won't be getting to 100lbs lost by the end of the year, but if I could get there by my 1year surgery date I would be happy! Actually I don't care if it's 3 years from now when I reach 100lbs lost- I know that I'll still be happy because with the band I won't be putting the weight back on, that's the best part for me!!

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Congrats on your fill and thanks for the excellent information. I am being like a sponge and soaking up everyone great knowledge.

Especially all of you that are further in the progress than I am.

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Michelle glad to hear things went well with your fill. I had my second fill in St. Pete(6/4) she gave me .6 so I have a total of 2.3 close to what you have. I have on and off restriction but most of the time I have restriction. Did you see Evette in that bikini!! Take some pictures of your river trip and post for us all to see!! Have you heard anything from Lisa??? I haven't heard a word since we got our fills.


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