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OMG!! I had the most painful air bubble in my chest :(( and throat after having a few sips from a juice box...wow!! :(

I quickly made a cup of hot chocolate and after a couple of sips of warm liquid it subsided...thank goodness.

Lesson learned and now shared.

Cathy :o

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The night after my surgery, the nurse brought me a Capri sun and set it on the table by my bed. I looked at her and jokingly ask her if that was a test. She said, "No". Why do you ask that? I told her that we were not supposed to drink through straws. I said, "thanks, but no thanks" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I never knew about the straw thing, but I'm so glad I read this post! I've been eating my soups with a spoon and really didn't think of eating it any other way. However, I still have the shoulder and neck pain on occasion, but it's not constant.

I would like to see what others think about this question too. Once again, this forum has proven to be so helpful to me!


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Ohh didn't think about things like that, that have straws in them already..

I have a question and you may think I am crazy but when we are in the creamy soup stage do we literally drink the stuff or can I eat it with a spoon out of a bowl or would that cause gas.

Trina- I had the capri sun without a problem and I had to have my creamy soups with a spoon B) made me feel like I'm "eating" something, but I have to say, that I never had those horrible gas pains like others ... I popped those Phazyme tabs and I was good to go ;)

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Trina- I had the capri sun without a problem and I had to have my creamy soups with a spoon B) made me feel like I'm "eating" something, but I have to say, that I never had those horrible gas pains like others ... I popped those Phazyme tabs and I was good to go ;)

Thanks Willi333 that is good to know! I dont think I could drink my soups either..lol I have to eat them with a spoon for that "eating" feeling too... Now broth that is no problem I dont mind drinking that but not the creamy soups...

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I will never use a straw again, OMG the air bubble in my airway was painful, thank goodness for a warm cup of hot cocolate, it brought it right up. Whew!!

I drank my clear liquids, broth in a cup and alway eat my soup from a bowl with a spoon, like Willi333 said, you have to feel like you are eating something, because three weeks is a long time!


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Ohh didn't think about things like that, that have straws in them already..

I have a question and you may think I am crazy but when we are in the creamy soup stage do we literally drink the stuff or can I eat it with a spoon out of a bowl or would that cause gas.

I do both depending on my mood and whether I just want the convenience of drinking versus eating. I haven't noticed any difference. Hope that helps!

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The reason a Capri Sun is okay is because you are basically creating a vacuum. When you drink through a straw in a capri sun, the liquid is encapsulated in the plastic which, if you watch it, will actually "deflate" as you drink - that is because no air is inside the container - only liquid. The problem with drinking from an open container or even a juicebox if there is empty space (which really just means air space) is that you cannot create that "vacuum" environment and air gets trapped in the straw, and then in you. So if you want to drink from a straw - do it the Capri Sun way - in a vacuum!


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I am so glad you were able to sip something warm to help alleviate that pain. Feels like a heart attack, doesn't it? That is the same pain you will feel when you need to pb.. enough to remind you not to eat whatever it is you were eating again.

Hugs and firm pats on the back... there it comes.. **burp**


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I am so glad you were able to sip something warm to help alleviate that pain. Feels like a heart attack, doesn't it? That is the same pain you will feel when you need to pb.. enough to remind you not to eat whatever it is you were eating again.

Hugs and firm pats on the back... there it comes.. **burp**


You are too funny and always make me smile. actually I did pat myself hard in the chest and it did come up...I am going to have to get my hubby to burp me like a baby after eating! LOL!!!


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I was never told to avoid straws, and I have never had difficulty with them. Guess we are all different, as said before.

It is just like the post-op diet, every Dr. has different guidelines.

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My surgeon never told me to avoid straws, but I know they add air/gas to what you are drinking..and it just so happens that I ended up with a wicked gas bubble and will forever avoid straws. Others may not have any trouble at all. We are all different!

Thanks for sharing everyone!


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Straws have never bothered me either! As for soup, I always ate it with a spoon.

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And what did it say?

I have to book too, but haven't had a chance to read it yet.


It was talking about the liquid stage saying if it could not sucked through a straw, don't have it. That he recommended not to use a straw because of the possibility of swallowing air which could cause or contribute to more gas pains. I took this to heart because when I had my radiation treatments, I have had the severe gas pains for about 5 months. I did not want to revisit those times.

Been there and won the t-shirt. :D:D:D

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I too had no problems using a straw.

Remember, we all are not alike. Some can eat bread, some cannot. Some can use a straw, some cannot :)

I guess everyone is different - I've not had any problems from using straws.
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