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Can anyone please answer this question for me I am very scared :unsure: of the lap band surgery and i wanted to know about the BMI will I need to be a certain weight be able to have the lap band surgery??? with the weight I am at if am very heavy weight which I am can I still have the surgery? I am 5'6 and about 357 I need help! I was told I could not have It!

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Can anyone please answer this question for me I am very scared :unsure: of the lap band surgery and i wanted to know about the BMI will I need to be a certain weight be able to have the lap band surgery??? with the weight I am at if am very heavy weight which I am can I still have the surgery? I am 5'6 and about 357 I need help! I was told I could not have It!

I was at 392Lbs when I first scheduled my surgery. I was told that I needed to loose 18 lbs.before my surgery date. On the pre-op diet, I lost 32 lbs. The pre-op diet is to shrink the liver to make it easier on you and the surgeon.

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Definitely talk directly to the surgeon and he will give you the details on what you need to do to have the surgery.

I was 285 and went down to 268 before surgery.

I would think that as long as your health is stable, you could have it.

Good luck!


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Guest sdejong

My mom was banded when she was well into the 300 range, I don't know the exact number.... Now almost 2 years and she is about 200lbs, and very, very, very happy...


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I was 355 when I made the decision to have the surgery. I started the pre-op diet early (about 2 weeks early) and lost a total of 35 pounds on it. My surgery weight was 320. That was last Thursday. I will weigh in tomorrow at my TOPS meeting and expect to be down some more.

Talk to the coordinators and doc if that is what will make you comfortable. I have no regrets so far.

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I was 355 when I made the decision to have the surgery. I started the pre-op diet early (about 2 weeks early) and lost a total of 35 pounds on it. My surgery weight was 320. That was last Thursday. I will weigh in tomorrow at my TOPS meeting and expect to be down some more.

Talk to the coordinators and doc if that is what will make you comfortable. I have no regrets so far.

Congrats Elaine on your pre-op weight lost. That is great!

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Hey Reallyshygirl, When I was banded I weighed 333 lbs....I had my surgery performed in Houston Texas by Dr.Felix Speigal...I didn't find Dr.Ortiz website till after the fact...However, Dr.Speigal is awesome and I know he performs surgery on individuals over 333 lbs....If Dr.O does it you may save some $$$(unless using insurance)....The only thing I had to do different then most people that uses Dr.Speigal is stay the nite, this was due to my sleep apnea....Good Luck....

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Guest cedartown

Just a hunch,but i believe the more you lose pre-op ,the better you feel & faster you recover post-op.

Or maybe it's just ones who can't follow Dr's orders pre-op can't follow them post-op. :ph34r:

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Thanks you all so much!! the lady I talked to just blew me right off saying "oh no he won't do it you have to have gastric bypass" I said "how can you say that when you have never seen me and my weight was guessed? "(give or take only 10 lbs or so) still, altho nice,she said no I was NOT a candidate I was so worried and so scared I am afraid i will die from being overweight!! :( I live In Buffalo NY and don't know who to contact!?

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Thanks you all so much!! the lady I talked to just blew me right off saying "oh no he won't do it you have to have gastric bypass" I said "how can you say that when you have never seen me and my weight was guessed? "(give or take only 10 lbs or so) still, altho nice,she said no I was NOT a candidate I was so worried and so scared I am afraid i will die from being overweight!! :( I live In Buffalo NY and don't know who to contact!?

Was this at a local dr? I can't even think that Dr Ortiz's gals would say that... there are many here who have come from where you are weight wise. Make the call and ask all the questions, they are really great!

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