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Question about exercise...

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I know that we are not suppose to do any type of exercise for 3 weeks after surgery and no ab exercises for 3 months after surgery. I want to start swimming laps at the YMCA and want to know when you think it would be safe to do that type of exercise since swimming really does work every part of your body really.

Any one have an idea?

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This is probably a question to ask your surgeon, not us. We all love answering things about our experiences, but anything that is about whether something could potentially cause damage after surgery should be asked of your doctor. Otherwise, you will get replies about what we did and didn't do when you really need a professional opinion.

Good luck on your surgery and the beginning of a new and great phase of your life!

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Snowbird you really gave a great response. I think we all need to remember this especially important answer.

Thanks for your clarity.

Just and afterthought.........I remember being told by Dr. Ortiz no exercise of any kind except Walking for 3 weeks and then anything is ok EXCEPT abdominal work/crunches. I can only take from that that swimming is ok after 3 weeks but not before.

When do you leave Trina? What time is your plane and what time do you get in? Thinking of you :-h

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When I asked about getting into the Jacuzzi Dr Ortiz said to wait 2 weeks till the incisions are more healed up so I know you would need to at least wait that long because of the chlorine water... I would write down that question and any others you might think of now because when you meet Dr. O girls tend to get all giddy and you might forget all the things you needed to ask him! lol

Only 2 more days Trina, I'm so excited for you babe!

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I thought they said no crunches or sit ups, not exercises that "work" your abs. I think it's more of the contraction that can flip your port than anything else. Like for instance when i'm walking i try to "hold it in" so my posture is better and that is a form of ab work... Am i at risk? I really don't think so. Let us know what Dr. O says... i'm curious.

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