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I set my date!!

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  xray1593 said:
I am a nervous reck, I just scheduled my surgery date for July 10th. Any words of encouragement?

Yup, just relax, follow your doctor's guidelines, lose 5% or close to prior to surgery, do what you're told to the letter, expect the unexpected and go with it.

Start retraining your brain as early as possible to the bandster way. Trust me, it will save you a ton of grief after the fact! Walk, walk and walk, and when you're tired and bored WALK some more!

GRATZ on your decision!

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Hello xray1593 and welcome :-h

This is a big step towards a new&healthier life! Congrats on your desicion =D>

You will NOT regret it - OCC is just THE best ever !!!

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You're going to be in the best hands and there are no worries going to Mexico. Don't go anywhere by yourself or after dark and you'll be fine. Any concerns, just post them and we'll help you through. :lb10: Darlene

P.S. GO STEELERS!!!! :cheerleader:

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Welcome to our group! :D

Congrats on setting your date..you will not regret it! The OCC is awesome!

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I was nervous too and worried that I would come home in bad shape. I couldn't have been more wrong. The clinic is spotless and you are treated very well. Only adivce I would give is go buy some of the sublingual pain killers on revolutions ave, you don't need a prescription. I ended up with a horrible headache after I got home and was really glad I had an alternate source of pain meds as tablets were not encouraged at that point. Good luck and welcome to bandland.


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I was banded on June 12 and even though everythng was great, staff was awesome you are never ever ready for any type of sugery. I was blisfully happy until the day came and I was crying and telling my husband to take good care of our son ( very over dramatic!). Believe me when I say these people are the best and you will be in and out before you know it. You walk to the operating room, lie on the table, breath in some stuff, they ask you what kind of music you want to hear ( I chose disco - they only had Last Dance)We all laughed, I sang the fist verse and then woke up. Didn't even know when I went out. I thought for sure that I would be hard to put under but whatever that stuff is its awesome. or gas pain walk, walk, walk and take a pill called Phazyme or gas x. You will be fine. Don't worry about Mexico, I walked all over the place just be careful with traffic.

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My husband was nervous about me having the surgery in Mexico but he was totally impressed by the OCC and especially Dr. Ortiz. I would not worry about Mexico at all. I just left there 6 days ago and I'm sure it will still be clean and nice when you get there.

Everyone has this persona about having surgery in Mexico but I swear to you that I would go back and do it all over again, I have that much faith in the OCC. Matter of fact I am going to fly back down there in August for my first fill! You would not believe the looks and comments I got when I told people I was going to Mexico! Unreal!

I wish you the best of luck and promise that you will have no regrets about the OCC.

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Thank You to everyone for your positive comments! Is there anyone else going down on that day?

loosing 10lbs, well they should have asked me to climb Mt Everest.

Is my husband allowed to stay with me in the hospital? Do we have to take all our belongings with us or will we go back to the hotel and be in our same room?

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Your hubby will stay at the Hotel the night you spend at the clinic so he can keep up with your stuff. :rolleyes:

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I happened to fo to juarez MX for my surgery with Dr. Rodriquez at hopital angeles and had an awesome experience. from my experience they take great care of you. I went alone and my wife was worried but i came back safe and could not have been happier. good luck. youll do fine.

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