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First 21 Days

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Can anyone help me know if there are different limits on the food for the NON-FILLED stage of banding verses after I get my first fill.? Does the band without a fill cause PBing when I begin to eat? I don't read much to do with that period after liquids and before the first fill. I am done 21 pounds, the inches are melting away and I am starving for solid foods. What is off limit during this time? thank you to anyone who can help. Barb

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Congrats! You did it!

I am only 15 days post -op and still have 2 weeks of mushy food to go (different diet plan for me, I was banded here in Canada).

From reading on the forum, I have noted a list of problem foods...including bread, pasta, fried foods, beef (steak) , salad and dry chicken.

I plan to ease into my solid food stage with easy foods like flakey fish, steamed veggies, baked or mashed potatoes or rice and soft fruits, then graduate to chicken and chunkier foods.

I am not sure if PBing is common before a fill, I am sure some our more experience bandsters can advise you there.

Enjoy and good luck!


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It's different with each person. You may be able to tolerate breads and pasta but may not be able to eat chicken. I could eat everything before my first fill, but I did PB once because I ate chicken real fast and didn't chew well. If you don't have swelling around your band and you eat small bites and chew well, you shouldn't have a problem. Just take it slow, I got full really quickly when I first started solids. Good luck and best wishes, Darlene ;)

P.S. No drinking while eating..... really, don't do it right from the start!! [it's a hard habit to break!!] <_<

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Everyone is so different. I had restriction just from my band until I got my first fill. I PBed alot while I was trying to figue out what foods I could tolerate.

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