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Northwest/Canada bandster meeting

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So I haven't seen anything about it the last week, are we still planning on getting together on the 5th? I want to be there, but may have to bring one of my kids with me (I couldn't get anyone to watch him and the hubby is out of town) and he is quite a handful. It is a long drive and I just thought that we could get a head count and firm plans on when and where and maybe driving directions.



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So I haven't seen anything about it the last week, are we still planning on getting together on the 5th? I want to be there, but may have to bring one of my kids with me (I couldn't get anyone to watch him and the hubby is out of town) and he is quite a handful. It is a long drive and I just thought that we could get a head count and firm plans on when and where and maybe driving directions.



I would so love to be there, but it is out of the question right now since I was there last week. We weren't able to meet up with anyone, but I have to say i am so glad I went... I am in a really good state of mind with my band and we have now formed a bond and common goal!!! she has helped me lose 5lbs already since I went down... hmmm that fill was 1 week ago today...

Anyways, I hope to meet some of you another time (going through and probably getting a fill in Aug- have to be at a wedding in Salem, OR)

Have a great time together!

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It was in another topic, so here is the information for you Caroline, we would LOVE to meet you and swap stories.....

When: Saturday, July 5th at 12:00 Noon!

Where: Ivars at Mukilteo Landing (north of Seattle somewhere)

How? Google "Ivars at Mukilteo Landing" and it will give you the location and driving directions. I have a GPS so I will be using that to find it!

Hope to see you Saturday!


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Donna, thank you for the invite and the information. I am sorry to say that I will not be able to attend this time. I live in Hoquiam which is abouit a three hour drive to Everett, not to mention the price of gas right now. I hope to be invited again. Thanks

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I understand totally, I have to take the ferry from Kingston and I live in Bremerton. I would say we could carpool if you wanted to stop in Bremerton first and I would drive the rest of the way. I have a Prius and get about 48 miles to the gallon! Let me know if you are interested at all. I will be in and out all day long, but will check back (I have a new grand daughter and will be going to visit her today!

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You could ride up with me if you'd like...I live off I-5 in Olympia. I was thinking of nixing it all together due to gas, etc. but would love to go if I had a co-pilot with me ;) Let me know.

Is Hanna still coming?

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Donna and Calicat, thank you for the offers of riding along, you two are so nice to offer. Unfortunately I have committed to watching my grandchildren that day since I did not think I was going to go. It is not unfortunate that I am watching my grandchildren, I love that. Sorry that I committed and now cannot go with ya'll.

A new grandbaby!!!! Congrats and enjoy your visit :wub:

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