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So, I have been struggling the past 2 weeks or so to get my weight below 181. In fact, it has been anywhere from 184 - 182, and I was getting so frustrated because it would not budge below my lowest 181. Well, today I get on the scale and the scale reads 180!!!!!! :D I jumped up and down because I was so friggen excited. My next mini goal is 179. When I see the 170's I will have more motivation than ever because in every diet I have done, the lowest I could ever get was 180. I would get to 180, get stuck, and after maybe 2 weeks I would get frustrated and say 'screw it!' and start eating like a pig again. SO, I am a little bit scared right now because its like dejavous... I feel like I am in the past, on another diet, and I am soooo afraid that I will be stuck here and go back to my old ways. I know this is different, though. I can't set myself up for failure, I have to set myself up for success, so in light of that I am putting this post out there to all you other bandsters so maybe you all can help motivate me to stick to it. I am proud of myself, though, because I did not give up these past few weeks despite being stuck and some days even being 3 lbs above my lowest weight. So thats a good thing! Yay for the band!

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So, I have been struggling the past 2 weeks or so to get my weight below 181. In fact, it has been anywhere from 184 - 182, and I was getting so frustrated because it would not budge below my lowest 181. Well, today I get on the scale and the scale reads 180!!!!!! :D I jumped up and down because I was so friggen excited. My next mini goal is 179. When I see the 170's I will have more motivation than ever because in every diet I have done, the lowest I could ever get was 180. I would get to 180, get stuck, and after maybe 2 weeks I would get frustrated and say 'screw it!' and start eating like a pig again. SO, I am a little bit scared right now because its like dejavous... I feel like I am in the past, on another diet, and I am soooo afraid that I will be stuck here and go back to my old ways. I know this is different, though. I can't set myself up for failure, I have to set myself up for success, so in light of that I am putting this post out there to all you other bandsters so maybe you all can help motivate me to stick to it. I am proud of myself, though, because I did not give up these past few weeks despite being stuck and some days even being 3 lbs above my lowest weight. So thats a good thing! Yay for the band!

There is no deju vu here, hun. You are not dieting you are LIFESTYLE changing! You know you can do this and you've proven it! Keep the momentum going and revel in your success. I'm proud of ya! :lb21:

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Great job, Carrie!!!!

I love milestones! Finally being lighter than when I was 9 months pregnant. Finally being lighter than my wedding day. I'm still 30 pounds heavier than my best ever dieting efforts, but I know I can get there AND beyond!

It does get frustrating. I've been on a plateau about a week now -- but we can hang in there! We will make little milestones and they will give us so much motivation to keep going!

You are making AWESOME progress!


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So, I have been struggling the past 2 weeks or so to get my weight below 181. In fact, it has been anywhere from 184 - 182, and I was getting so frustrated because it would not budge below my lowest 181. Well, today I get on the scale and the scale reads 180!!!!!! :D I jumped up and down because I was so friggen excited. My next mini goal is 179. When I see the 170's I will have more motivation than ever because in every diet I have done, the lowest I could ever get was 180. I would get to 180, get stuck, and after maybe 2 weeks I would get frustrated and say 'screw it!' and start eating like a pig again. SO, I am a little bit scared right now because its like dejavous... I feel like I am in the past, on another diet, and I am soooo afraid that I will be stuck here and go back to my old ways. I know this is different, though. I can't set myself up for failure, I have to set myself up for success, so in light of that I am putting this post out there to all you other bandsters so maybe you all can help motivate me to stick to it. I am proud of myself, though, because I did not give up these past few weeks despite being stuck and some days even being 3 lbs above my lowest weight. So thats a good thing! Yay for the band!


It's so awesome to past that milestone! Keep doing what your doing because its working soon you will be in uncharted territory and it will be bliss!!!!

You Go Girl!!!! :lb24: :lb13: :girl_dance: :girl_dance: :girl_dance:


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That is wonderful!! Way to go!

I have been struggling to get in the 180's myself, and this morning I weighed 188! I almost fell out from excitement! This is a slow process, but it works!

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That is wonderful!! Way to go!

I have been struggling to get in the 180's myself, and this morning I weighed 188! I almost fell out from excitement! This is a slow process, but it works!

YAy for you!!!! :lb10:

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Thanks for the support everyone! All of us should be SO proud of ourselves!! We are truly making huge lifestyle changes and becoming so much healthier... and sexier ;) hehe. All of you give me so much inspiration and motivate me to stay on track and I thank you for that! :D THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

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Congratulations! Gotta love those milestones!

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