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blood pressure, Cholesteral and PCOS after banding

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I am scheduled for banding on 8/1/2008... yippee.... Has anyone with PCOS been able to get pregnant after banding? Also,has anyone been able to get off cholesterol medication? And what about getting off high blood pressure medication after banding? How long did it take to get off the medication?



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I am Elaine and I also have a PCOS diagnosis, but had my daughter prior to being banded. I don't know if you are being treated for your PCOS, but I think metformin is a wonder drug for it. I have a 5 year old daughter who I firmly believe would not be here it it were not for this drug. I have been blessed to not have the cholesterol or blood pressure problems, so I don't have answers for that.

I wish you much success. Being banded was the best decision I have ever made. Since May 12th I have lost about 40 pounds. I started my pre-op diet early and did the glucerna meal bars for breakfast and lunch and then lean cuisine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally agree that Metformin is a wonder drug! I had my first child then was unable to get pregnant until 5 years later thanks to Metformin. I had my son then got pregnant easily again after that. We now have three children and are happier than ever. I know that losing weight makes the body more fertile, but for PCOS, Metformin is a good addition to the fertility plan. Best of luck to you!! ><'

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I am scheduled for banding on 8/1/2008... yippee.... Has anyone with PCOS been able to get pregnant after banding? Also,has anyone been able to get off cholesterol medication? And what about getting off high blood pressure medication after banding? How long did it take to get off the medication?



I have PCOS as well. I am in my mid-30's and have tried to get pregnant for years. I am hoping and praying that losing weight through bariatric surgery will help me normalize my endocrinology system and allow for me to get pregnant. I have done multiple rounds of IVF and still have not ever conceived. I took Metformin for several years, but it never worked for me. I wish you luck and hope it works for you too!

The good news is I got my period after 3 days of being banded. It was the first time, in years where I got my period and it was a normal length - 7 days. Usually, when I do get my period, it lasts for months (literally) then I don't get it again for months and months. As a side note, I am in the process of doing research for my Master's thesis. I am doing it on the effect bariatric surgery has on fetility specifically in those suffering from PCOS. So far, based on the research I have done there is a positive correlation. Meaning, people who have PCOS and then lose weight following any form of bariatric surgery have a better chance of getting pregnant than if they did not lose the weight. I have read tons of reputable studies and consensus is the same. The good news for we banders is that we do not have the masabsorptive issues RNY'ers do and that helps with getting pregnant and more importantly, staying pregnant. In my mind, that gives me a lot of hope!

Good luck with your banding! I was banded on 07/01/08. The first week was really rough - I cried a lot, not because of the pain but psychologically it was different. I am almost to 3 weeks now and I feel fantastic. In fact, I just got done cleaning the house and realized I don't feel any different than I did prior to the surgery. The first week I was really weak and had to take a lot of naps and for me that was tough because I work full time, exercise every day, work on my Master's, am married and very active in my community.

:) Glad you asked this question because it is nice knowing there are other PCOS women on this forum.

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I'm wondering how Metformin helps PCOS? It's usually for diabetes treatment.

Hey Julie,

It works by lowering the blood glucose in the PCOS woman. Most women who have PCOS have high blood glucose, but are not diagnosed with diabetes. Metformin lowers the blood glucose, thereby normalizing the endocrinology system of the woman attempting to get pregnant. High blood glucose has effects on ovulation and that is why many PCOS women do not have regular periods.

Great question though! I know I questioned it the first time too! It has been a miracle for many women, but unfortunately, did not work for me. I was sick to my tummy the whole time I was on it too. :(

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I've had high blood pressure since I was 14. That's 36 years y'all. On my meds I usually run a high normal, 130/90 or close to that. I had my fill last week, about 2 months post op and my bp was 117/58 (or somewhere in that neighborhood). I'm going to see my doctor in a couple of weeks so he can determine if I can go off of one of my meds.

I've lost a ton of weight before, but it has never really changed my bp. It runs in my family. I think it has more to do with the placement of the band than actually losing weight. There was a segment on 20/20 or one of those shows that talked about how bariatric surgery causes almost immediate drop in bp as well as normalizing blood sugar.


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No PCOS, but have been able to decrease my Metformin (for diabetes) a few months ago and may be able to discontinue that and my blood pressure medicaiton this September for good! I also was on medication for high Cholestrol, but stopped that after my surgery. My cholestrol levels are normal now. I am looking forward to being able to stop all of my medications at my next Dr. visit in September. This was an added plus from getting banded and losing weight!

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You guys are awesome and give me so much hope!!! Thank you so much for sharing.

I have had a horrible 2 weeks and just feel like the band has to be my answer. I sprained my back 2 Sundays ago and was out of work for 3 days. Then this past week my blood pressure was anywhere from 140/90 to 190/102. The doctors added 2 more blood pressure medications. So I feel like I am going backwards. The theory is that the inflammation from the back injury was too much for my body to handle and caused the extremely elevated blood pressure. The blood pressure & a sinus infection caused migraines. So I went to the ER, they pumped me full of imitrex, cortisone, antibiotics & something else.... My stress level is out of the roof from missing so much work lately plus missing more for the lap-band surgery.

I am so excited and so hopeful about the lap-band. There are so many role models on this forum.

Sorry for the rambling!!!


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Here is a bandster who had PCOS and got pregnanat just weeks after banding...

It's been a while since I have checked in on Teresa the woman featured in the videos, I just watched her 8 week update video and she dropped a bombshell: SHE's PREGNANT!!

She had PCOS and had to have invtro to have her twins 5 years ago, I'm not sure on her timeline because she says she's 8 weeks post band and she said she is 6 weeks pregnant.. But she said that 6 weeks of the good nutrition (I guess 4 weeks pre-op and 2 weeks after surgery?) basically took her from infertile to "the ovaries of a 21 year old" in the words of her doctor, it's a pretty crazy thing!!

Here's the video on that topic for you girls that have PCOS: http://www.malleysurgical.com/images/stori...ent/movie12.jpg

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Great questions and answers here. For me, I went years of having no periods at all, then would switch to having a month-long period every other month. I'm right at 2 months out from surgery, am on no meds what-so-ever, and have had two normal lenght, normal flow periods. It's too early to celebrate a return to regularity yet, but I'm hopeful!!

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