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where do they put the bandaid inscions on me?

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Did you ever watch the short video on the OCC homepage? It show's you a "cartoon" type video of where and how the band's placed. You can't feel the band, because it is wrapped around your stomach, but the port is sewn to the muscle under your skin on your left, front side.... right around your belly button area. I can feel mine, but everyone's different. I didn't feel actual "pain" after my sugery, discomfort discribes it better. That's different for everyone too, it probably took me a good 3 weeks for my discomfort to subside, but I think that's minimal considering that I had surgery on my stomach. I took ibuprophen and drank warm\hot drinks and walked, walked, walked!! Hope that helped.... anything else, just ask!! ;) Darlene

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i just wanted to know where they put the band in your side your stomach where? does it hurt alot afterwards where does it hurt? :lb12: how long will the pain last?

I have 5 incisions in my belly - most are very small, about 1/4" or so and there is one bigger one that's about 1". They are all above my belly button, more on the left side. The big one is about 4" above my belly button and about 3" to the left. The highest one is just under the middle of my bra.

They need to make little holes to put their scope and instruments into - so they can work inside. The big one is where the band and the port go through, and I was told my port is about 1" below that incision.

The pain really isn't too bad. My biggest issue this week has been diarrhea, but the pain from the incisions hardly bothers me at all. I most certainly have no regrets - and I'm sure you won't either.

I just added pics to my gallery - check them out - as you'll see my sister and I were goofing around at the hospital just a couple hours after surgery (we went back to the hotel late afternoon on surgery day) and then went shopping the next day.

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