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Well my time is UP!!!!!

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Boy....I made that sound really dramatic didn't I? HEHEHEHE...I am leaving......to go GET MY BAND!!!!!!!!! YIKES......I leave after work tomorrow. So I am packing tonight. I am even taking an extra suitcase for all the things I buy and bring back from Revolution Ave. Hope I find lots of fun things. Surgery is July 2nd, then I am back home on July 4th. WOW....I just hope my 21 days on liquids goes by this fast, seems like my 2 week post-op diet flew by. Well....my fellow bandits, wish me a little luck! See you all on the other side. I plan to take lots of pictures and posting them later.


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Boy....I made that sound really dramatic didn't I? HEHEHEHE...I am leaving......to go GET MY BAND!!!!!!!!! YIKES......I leave after work tomorrow. So I am packing tonight. I am even taking an extra suitcase for all the things I buy and bring back from Revolution Ave. Hope I find lots of fun things. Surgery is July 2nd, then I am back home on July 4th. WOW....I just hope my 21 days on liquids goes by this fast, seems like my 2 week post-op diet flew by. Well....my fellow bandits, wish me a little luck! See you all on the other side. I plan to take lots of pictures and posting them later.



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Boy....I made that sound really dramatic didn't I? HEHEHEHE...I am leaving......to go GET MY BAND!!!!!!!!! YIKES......I leave after work tomorrow. So I am packing tonight. I am even taking an extra suitcase for all the things I buy and bring back from Revolution Ave. Hope I find lots of fun things. Surgery is July 2nd, then I am back home on July 4th. WOW....I just hope my 21 days on liquids goes by this fast, seems like my 2 week post-op diet flew by. Well....my fellow bandits, wish me a little luck! See you all on the other side. I plan to take lots of pictures and posting them later.


Good luck and Godspeed. See, you on the other side!

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Good luck Dianna !!!

Can't wait to hear about your journey.

Have a great time.

Boy....I made that sound really dramatic didn't I? HEHEHEHE...I am leaving......to go GET MY BAND!!!!!!!!! YIKES......I leave after work tomorrow. So I am packing tonight. I am even taking an extra suitcase for all the things I buy and bring back from Revolution Ave. Hope I find lots of fun things. Surgery is July 2nd, then I am back home on July 4th. WOW....I just hope my 21 days on liquids goes by this fast, seems like my 2 week post-op diet flew by. Well....my fellow bandits, wish me a little luck! See you all on the other side. I plan to take lots of pictures and posting them later.


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Boy....I made that sound really dramatic didn't I? HEHEHEHE...I am leaving......to go GET MY BAND!!!!!!!!! YIKES......I leave after work tomorrow. So I am packing tonight. I am even taking an extra suitcase for all the things I buy and bring back from Revolution Ave. Hope I find lots of fun things. Surgery is July 2nd, then I am back home on July 4th. WOW....I just hope my 21 days on liquids goes by this fast, seems like my 2 week post-op diet flew by. Well....my fellow bandits, wish me a little luck! See you all on the other side. I plan to take lots of pictures and posting them later.


Dianna, Congrats!!! I'll be there with you!!!! I am so excited. I am 42, my boys are nearly grown and I'm ready to start the next phase of my life. I chose July 3rd as my surgery date because it's the anniversary of my EX and I. I, like you am so excited that I'm not even working tomorrow and I don't leave until Wednesday. See you on the other side of "bandland"!!.

Angie =D>

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I am so excited for you.... enjoy your "mini-spa" vacation and let us know how it went.

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