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band slippage question

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I've had my band for 13 months. I have loved having the band and have lost 125 lbs. I have had no problems until this last few weeks. I've been suffering with terrible heartburn at night. When I go to sleep, my supper backs up my throat. Almost like I'm vomiting in my sleep. It wakes me out of a dead sleep, and has a terrible burning. I've tried not eatting 3 hours before bed time. Didn't really help. At first, it was happening just once in a while. For the past 10 days it been every night. I've had to sleep in the recliner becauce I can't lay down or the food will come up my throat. I read on a post once that a Dr had advised going back on liquids for 2 weeks to calm the band down, and let it slip back into place. Has anyone every heard that? Yesterday I went on all liquids for the day. I slept in my bed and had no problems.

I've only had one fill since the surgery. I am pretty happy with the amount of restriction. I've always considered myself very lucky that the surgery worked so well for me. I'm going to try and call OCC today and talk with Dr. Ortiz. But was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.


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Please call the OCC or local fill doctor.

Also, please let us know what you found out.

Good luck!

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Only being banded for about 2 month without any problems, so I can't be of any help.

Please, contact the OCC, since the Doc's are the only ones who really can give you the right advise !!!

Keep us posted!

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I've had my band for 13 months. I have loved having the band and have lost 125 lbs. I have had no problems until this last few weeks. I've been suffering with terrible heartburn at night. When I go to sleep, my supper backs up my throat. Almost like I'm vomiting in my sleep. It wakes me out of a dead sleep, and has a terrible burning. I've tried not eatting 3 hours before bed time. Didn't really help. At first, it was happening just once in a while. For the past 10 days it been every night. I've had to sleep in the recliner becauce I can't lay down or the food will come up my throat. I read on a post once that a Dr had advised going back on liquids for 2 weeks to calm the band down, and let it slip back into place. Has anyone every heard that? Yesterday I went on all liquids for the day. I slept in my bed and had no problems.

I've only had one fill since the surgery. I am pretty happy with the amount of restriction. I've always considered myself very lucky that the surgery worked so well for me. I'm going to try and call OCC today and talk with Dr. Ortiz. But was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.


One of the things I have had great success with is called Aloe Cure, its liquid, at any CVS,about $6/ for bottle, is is natural aloe juice for acid reflux of a serious nature. I cap full morn and night ( my ENT advised it and itr has helped me tremendously)

Hope it helps. I had a hiatle hernia, and they repaired it when they added my band, so I understand the pain!

Best of luck


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I read on a post once that a Dr had advised going back on liquids for 2 weeks to calm the band down, and let it slip back into place. Has anyone every heard that? Yesterday I went on all liquids for the day. I slept in my bed and had no problems.

Yes, I have heard of this before. Sometimes, due to stress, irritation to the band, or for many other known and unknown reasons, the band and the stomach it surrounds get irritated. I also think the suggestion about the CVS anti-reflux liquid was a great idea. I think you should call the OCC and see what they say but I also think you should try liquids at least for a week AND take something for reflux. Please keep us posted.

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Try eating smaller meals more often. Maybe your pouch is still full by the time you go to bed. When you go to sleep your thoat is relaxed and then it comes back up. It happens to me if I eat to much. It helps me to have soup for a day or two. I hope you get relief from it soon. Please let us know how your doing.

Kelly C

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I've also heard of this, some times when we hit our goals for some reason our bands tighten more during stress or other reasons. (Mine did after I had a breast lift surgery) You're correct going on liquids however you may want to have some of your fill removed; if you can eat and drink during the day there's a good chance your band hasn't slip. You may just need adjustment and it fits since you’ve reached your goal and are now going into maintenance).

And a quick congratulations on your amazing weight loss!!!

Good luck!


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Had this exact problem when I was too tight. Got an unfill and it went away immediately. It was some of the most triumphant sleep I ever had. You may just need to have some of your fill taken out until things calm down.

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Your weight loss is incredible! Congratulations! Please let us know what the Doc says. Hope you are feeling better soon.

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I just got off the phone with Dr. Ortiz assistant. She said that the doc would like to see me to check out what is going on. I told her, I was trying the liquids for a few days to see if that will work. I will make an appointment in a week if it doesn't go away. I'll keep you informed.

Thanks for all you concern.


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I've had my band for 13 months. I have loved having the band and have lost 125 lbs. I have had no problems until this last few weeks. I've been suffering with terrible heartburn at night. When I go to sleep, my supper backs up my throat. Almost like I'm vomiting in my sleep. It wakes me out of a dead sleep, and has a terrible burning. I've tried not eatting 3 hours before bed time. Didn't really help. At first, it was happening just once in a while. For the past 10 days it been every night. I've had to sleep in the recliner becauce I can't lay down or the food will come up my throat. I read on a post once that a Dr had advised going back on liquids for 2 weeks to calm the band down, and let it slip back into place. Has anyone every heard that? Yesterday I went on all liquids for the day. I slept in my bed and had no problems.

I've only had one fill since the surgery. I am pretty happy with the amount of restriction. I've always considered myself very lucky that the surgery worked so well for me. I'm going to try and call OCC today and talk with Dr. Ortiz. But was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.


GOOD JOB ON YOUR AMAZING WEIGHT LOSS!!!!!! All that weight loss and with only 1 fill???? That is so awesome!!!!

Hi there. I was banded on 5/15/08 and just went for my first fill last week. My doctor told me that a lot of people who have the band end up with gastritis, which is inflammation of the stomach lining. He said that the part of the stomach that the band forces the food into is not meant to have stomach acid in it therefore causing irritation. So, he says that he reccomends all of his banded patients take 1 Zantac every night before bed to lessen the chances of this happening. He totally described the pain that you are talking about and he mentioned that it happens at night and will wake you right up out of your sleep.

I thought that was very interesting. So, hopefully your band hasn't slipped. The doc also mentioned that the band cannot slip, that it is stiched in and the scar tissue keeps it in place. Hmmm!!! Who knows??? It will be interesting to see what they say at the OCC. Good luck!!!

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