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Anyone have a garden?

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OMG I just went out to our garden (hadn't been out for a while as my husband and tenant tend to it more than I do) and WOW do we have fresh produce!!! We've been enjoying fresh spinach and lettuce. I just brought in some beautiful beets, broccoli, and onions. Everything..tomatoes, cukes, squashes, beans, melons have huge flowering buds on them. It will be a great harvest this year. I love the fresh vegetables of all types. I used to can or freeze everything but am no longer able to do that. We just have enough for us and then to share with friends and family. No corn though, we just don't have the space. I am lucky as the Northwest has soooo many fresh produce stands this time of year I can get whatever I don't have easily. I need to eat more vegetables to make this change of lifestyle real. So here's to our gardens!!

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OMG I just went out to our garden (hadn't been out for a while as my husband and tenant tend to it more than I do) and WOW do we have fresh produce!!! We've been enjoying fresh spinach and lettuce. I just brought in some beautiful beets, broccoli, and onions. Everything..tomatoes, cukes, squashes, beans, melons have huge flowering buds on them. It will be a great harvest this year. I love the fresh vegetables of all types. I used to can or freeze everything but am no longer able to do that. We just have enough for us and then to share with friends and family. No corn though, we just don't have the space. I am lucky as the Northwest has soooo many fresh produce stands this time of year I can get whatever I don't have easily. I need to eat more vegetables to make this change of lifestyle real. So here's to our gardens!!

do to all the rain and flooding in my neck of the woods no garden this year .I really do miss it and my wonderful tasty tomato sandwich will most definatly be missed this year

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That sounds so good! I seriously have BLACK thumbs! I rely on generous friends with gardens!

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Funny you should ask, I just came to take a quick break from gardening and mowing and forever weeding! I grew up in Portland and now live in Washington, I LOVE FLOWERS, I go nuts every year!!! It takes me over 2 hours to water my flower pots and gardens. After I eat I go out and work for at least an hour, then I can come in and drink my water, that way I am busy and don't think about the no liquid rule. We are lucky to live in the Northewest, rain and all.

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I planted some tomato plants in buckets in early May and just yesterday I transplanted them in a little patch out front of our house. [We don't have a yard to speak of.... what yard we did have is now taken up by the pool.] I have a few cherry, early girl and big boy plants. I got a few small tomato's already..... now to keep out the critters.... do moth balls really work??? :-?

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I live in Northeast Florida, and there are toooooooooooo many bugs for a garden to survive. Plus it is so hot that much of what you listed cannot even grow here. Every year, we buy a couple of tomato plants in pots, and each of the two or three tomatoes end up being 5 or 10 dollar tomatoes, after all the potting soil, miracle grow, pest spray, etc. We got two little tomatoes off the Big Boy plants, and about 10 cherry tomatoes off that bush. Both bushes are dying.. we don't know why.

Besides, my idea of gardening is clipping basil or dill off an indoor planter.

We have some oregano growing outside... big plant... but every time my pomeranian, Rex, goes outside, he marks that plant... then does it again on his way back in. If I need oregano, I clip it from the highest leaves... his little teeter is not that long. :) Wonder if that is why the oregano is growing so well?

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I used to love to garden. I had such a huge one and grew everything! But, I got tired of it and don't so it anymore. Wish I still had the gumption because sometimes I miss doing it. It was very relaxing. I only have one single tomato plant in a huge pot, but that is all.

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I live in Northeast Florida, and there are toooooooooooo many bugs for a garden to survive. Plus it is so hot that much of what you listed cannot even grow here. Every year, we buy a couple of tomato plants in pots, and each of the two or three tomatoes end up being 5 or 10 dollar tomatoes, after all the potting soil, miracle grow, pest spray, etc. We got two little tomatoes off the Big Boy plants, and about 10 cherry tomatoes off that bush. Both bushes are dying.. we don't know why.

Besides, my idea of gardening is clipping basil or dill off an indoor planter.

We have some oregano growing outside... big plant... but every time my pomeranian, Rex, goes outside, he marks that plant... then does it again on his way back in. If I need oregano, I clip it from the highest leaves... his little teeter is not that long. :) Wonder if that is why the oregano is growing so well?

You're SO FUNNY Paula!!..... "his little teeter"...... :girl_haha:

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I too live in the great Northwest. I am very close to the ocean so it does not get real hot days here. I planted my garden in containers up on my decks this year. The deer and other critters ate more of our garden last year than we did. I have zuc squash, peppers, greenbeans, brussel sprouts, and tomatos so far. I also have a window sill full of herbs. It looks like my tomato plants are starting to get blight, anyone now of a cure? Woke up this morning and found two squrrils on the deck looking at my plants! I thought moving everything up high was the answer, guess not.

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I don't have a garden, but I love me some fresh tomatoes! Yum! :rolleyes:

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