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Got home from my second fill.........

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Got 2 more cc's in my VG band. Had 3.8 to start. I think this one is a good one. I got it friday at the OCC and have eaten very little since, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it stays that way.

Got to meet lots of great people again, (see my answer to Trina's post) and was glad to be able to go back to Mexico. Took my neice with me this time and GOD LOVE HER, was so glad when it was time to go home!! See, she fell out a window 3 stories high when she was 2 and it affected her brain. So, she talks non-stop, knows everything and has some very loud opinions about everything. Just a little tough to deal with and can be a little embarrassing in public. So, now I am home and it is nice and quiet.

Let Trina watch my fill while I was there. She was just about to go into the OR for her surgery but they let her come watch. Not sure how much she got to see with my big belly blocking the view. But, it didn't hurt. Just feels a little weird up in the band area when they inject the saline. And, THANKS for speaking up about the flow Trina!! He gave me a bit more after you said that so thanks so much!! I'll have to take you with me next time!!

Something Dr. So did say was that it would take a month to feel the full effect and not to even think about another fill until after a month passes. I've heard of it taking a few days, but not a month, but ok. It is definitely working now, so thats cool.

Also, thanks for the Chat last night, it was fun. But, I sort of expected to come on today and see my new flirt-friend on line. After all, I told you my sob story about my poop-head hubby who couldn't wait to dump me off at home after picking me up at the airport and then taking off with his friends! GRRRRR Thats ok. He had no clean clothes for work today, teehee.

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Took my neice with me this time and GOD LOVE HER, was so glad when it was time to go home!! See, she fell out a window 3 stories high when she was 2 and it affected her brain. So, she talks non-stop, knows everything and has some very loud opinions about everything. Just a little tough to deal with and can be a little embarrassing in public. So, now I am home and it is nice and quiet.



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Yes, you are most definitely right about that! But, she is kind of way beyond the norm. Had some brain damage from the fall that made it worse. If you meet her, you'd notice right away. Kind of hard sometimes to be in public with her, but I want her to get to see things that she wouldn't normally get to see. Her mom (my sister) is very poor so she doesn't get to go many places so I try to take her with me wherever I can.

I actually took her to Louisiana with me after Katrina hit. I volunteer for an animal in disaster rescue group (Noah's Wish) and we travel to different disasters to rescue animals. She went through the rigid 3 day training with me and did quite well down there. If you put her on a task and then leave her alone, she is great at it. No matter what the task is. So, they let her be in charge of taking care of the cats and she was fantastic. She did so well that it freed up other volunteers to do other things. She kept up after some 200 cats feeding them, changing litter, cooling them down with ice, etc all by herself. But on the other hand, she can't tell time or work with money. She knows what 2 o'clock is but not 2:40. And she knows what a $20 bill is, but doesn't know that 2 $10's or 4 $5's equal that. But, she does get on ok. It is just tiring because she never stops talking. But, I love her.

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Yay! Yay! Doing the happy dance for you! :girl_dance: :dance2:

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