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How soon after surgery

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Are we allowed to lift more than 10 pounds?

I'm *certain* I've lifted more than 10 -- hell my briefcase and purse together have to be more than that -- but I've got some 50# boxes waiting for me to put them away.

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Guest cedartown

I totally forgot & lifted a large recliner & carried it from my truck to the door.My wife ran at me screaming to put it down.I thought a bee was on me.

Luckily i haven't suffered any results from it.

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Honestly I had a hard time following the rules when it came to lifting. I have a toddler....she can't get into her car seat by her self....I really had no chice but to hold her...I also had to lift my suitcase into the trunk...kwim..Just take it easy and if you feel tugging STOP

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