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Sloshing stomach

Guest cedartown

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Guest cedartown

Mine is getting loud.You can hear the liquids sloshing around when i walk.

Also my stomach growls louder than it used too.

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Guest cedartown
Mine growls so loud now it's embarrassing. I never had this kind of problem before.

Is it gas or what??

mine sounds like it says "Feed Me"

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OMG... I can so relate! I hate to say this, but it actually sounds good, because I don't think in the past several years, I've actually heard my stomach growl. It's always been full!!! :girl_haha:

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Mine makes noise too, when the fiance and I are... well you know, yeah! That is more embarrassing than the noise it makes when I am too hungry. But I did notice it growls less since I got my last fill. A fill that I am satisfied with the restriction.

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I haven't noticed either of those problems. I really don't give my stomach a chance to growl [maybe once or twice since banding.... little kitty cat "meows".... ;) ] I drink quite alot of water, no sloshing... yet???

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Mine makes noise too, when the fiance and I are... well you know, yeah! That is more embarrassing than the noise it makes when I am too hungry. But I did notice it growls less since I got my last fill. A fill that I am satisfied with the restriction.

tell him it's an animal growl.... and then act like a wild animal... he'll want it to growl more often, I promise!

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tell him it's an animal growl.... and then act like a wild animal... he'll want it to growl more often, I promise!

Bill you always crack me up!!! Thanks for making my day :D

ROOOOAAARRRR :lol2: oooopppssssss ;)

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