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So what are your plans for the 4th of July?

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Happy early B-day Shrty!!! :D

I will be enjoying my second day of solid food with my family (my mom's making salmon) and then we're going to a baseball game and fireworks after. Should be fun stuff.

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I'm going to be in our local parade, (under protest) then I'm heading to Vancouver Canada to watch The BC Lions play football, Canadian football leauge!!

I LOVE FOOTBALL. No beer or hotdogs for me, I'm being good.

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We're gonna party like rednecks! Yeehaw!

Sprinklers and water slide for the kids. A big cookout with friends and family (I've made sure that there is grilled chicken and raw veggies for me). I plan to eat, but completely different from last year when I think I put down a rack of sauce covered ribs, a pint of potato salad, and at least 4 brownies!

And the grand finale -- a ton of fireworks at my out-laws farm.

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I am going to visit my girl and my new first grandchild (born yesterday). I will probably cook something to take over to their house since she had to have a C-section.

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I am going to visit my girl and my new first grandchild (born yesterday). I will probably cook something to take over to their house since she had to have a C-section.

OMG congratulations sexy grandma lady!

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We are going to the Grandparents for a BBQ and then going to watch fireworks on the beach. :D

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Nothing too exciting for me. My husband is working today (we own our own business and it's the busy season). I am at home doing much needed household chores. I'm happy to have today off but work this weekend bright and early at 7 am, no fireworks for me :((

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