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I am finally getting my first fill done tomorrow morning @ the OCC 9:00am. I am so freakin excited I can't stand it. I do not feel like working today and ready to leave. Our flight leaves tonight. Taking my 12 year old daughter with me, she will love the pool @ the Lucerna. (I swear she was a fish in her other life) I am looking forward to just be reassured that the band is in place and ok and start losing some weight baby! YEAH!! :cheerleader:

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I took my 11yr old with me in May to my first fill. She also LOVES to swim and swims in YMCA compititions. She really LOVED the pool at the Lucerna.... hopefully it's a little warmer for you gals. Best wishes, Darlene ><'

P.S. Good luck with your fill!!

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Way to go! I get my first fill July 8th in Olympia WA, I hope you and your daughter enjoy the sunshine down there it is raining here :(( I hope you get all the restriction your heart disires. :D

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WOOT! Hope you have a wonderful and productive trip and fill! Keep us up to date.

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