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I chew the heck out of gum. I am sure that you swallow some are, depending on how you chew I guess. Do not swallow the gum, that would be a terrible PB I would imagine. I use gum when I have head hunger or when I am stressed instead of reaching for the food as I have done for so many years. Gum before surgery can cause you to have more acid in your stomach due to fact that your stomach senses you are eating something and it goes to work. Check with the Dr. if planning on chewing while doing the fast. Hope this helps, it is only my opinion and thoughts. Have a great day ;)

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Would you advise to chew it or is it a no no... I remember reading something about it giving you gas... Do you guys avoid it or does it affect you at all??

By the way I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for this 3 day weekend!! WOOO HOOO!

I do chew and I do sugar free hard candy - buuut - I never had the gas/air problem like some other bandsters deal with :)

BTW, I am so ready too and counting the minutes to get out of here (office) :D

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I chew gum at work so I won't eat the munchie mix I have to put out for Happy Hour.

It has never seemed to affect me gas wise.

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Gum doesn't bother me at all. Just try it and see. ;)

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