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Post op pain..

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I had my surgery yesterday, july 2. My stomach was definitely sore yesterday...but since i woke up this morning I am extremely sore. In a lot of pain! It hurts to breath. Now it's my understanding that this soreness is due to the gas they fill your body with to see better while performing it laparoscopicly. Anyone else a bit surprised by this pain? Anyone else even have this pain? Today is just the day after my surgery but anyone know how long this will last..any tips I need to be doing?




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Leewaypromo, welcome to band land. I did not have the pain you are posting about. If it is the gas then walk walk walk. I would call the Dr. Let us know how you are doing.

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Hi Lee and welcome to bandland!!!

So sorry to hear you are in so much pain.. Like Caroline said if you can take a walk or just walk around the house. Everyone has their own healing process so I am not sure why your are hurting so much. Take a nice warm bath or shower to help your muscles relax. Sip on that gatorade and water. I hope you feel better soon, :lb4:

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I had post op discomfort but not extreme pain. Are you having trouble breathing or does it just hurt when you take a breath? Do you have asthma? If you're having ANY difficulty breathing, please call your doc. The gas they use to blow up your stomach can cause discomfort, a tight, bloaty feeling. Did you bruise alot? I made sure I cupped my hand over my stomach when I walked and used a pillow to support my stomach when I coughed. Also, I kept to warm and hot drinks cause cold seemed to bother me. If you're feeling really bad, call your Doc, even for peace of mind. Take care and keep us updated, Darlene

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I had my surgery yesterday, july 2. My stomach was definitely sore yesterday...but since i woke up this morning I am extremely sore. In a lot of pain! It hurts to breath. Now it's my understanding that this soreness is due to the gas they fill your body with to see better while performing it laparoscopicly. Anyone else a bit surprised by this pain? Anyone else even have this pain? Today is just the day after my surgery but anyone know how long this will last..any tips I need to be doing?





I am sorry you are feeling so poorly. I had my surgery on 07/01 and am still pretty sore too, but the pain meds help. I was wondering if anyone struggled with depression afterwards? I have never felt depressed before, but last night I had a complete meltdown and couldn't stop crying. I feel hungry, but I can't tell if it is true hunger or if it is just the gas. I calculated my calories for yesterday and they were like 330 for the day. I wonder if that is why?

As for the pain when you breath, that is probably from the gas. I have that as well and it is getting better. Walking helps a lot and I have used a heating pad behind my back as well. I just want to start feeling like my old self again and that is what has been tough. I am usually a real go getter and not having the strength to do the simplist things has me freaked out. :(

I hope you start feeling better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts!

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Thanks, y'all for your responses!

I feel sooooo much better today. I was walking around a little yesterday. i woke up this morning with only the tummy discomfort that i expect to have.

I walked half a mile outside today. Wore me out but I feel a million times better today. I think it was due to the gas they used to fill me up in the surgery. I'm still not planning on doing any sit-ups anytime soon ...but I feel so much better today from yesterday...who knows, tomorrow I could be hoola-hooping on a pogo stick!

Thanks, guys!

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I am sorry you are feeling so poorly. I had my surgery on 07/01 and am still pretty sore too, but the pain meds help. I was wondering if anyone struggled with depression afterwards? I have never felt depressed before, but last night I had a complete meltdown and couldn't stop crying. I feel hungry, but I can't tell if it is true hunger or if it is just the gas. I calculated my calories for yesterday and they were like 330 for the day. I wonder if that is why?

As for the pain when you breath, that is probably from the gas. I have that as well and it is getting better. Walking helps a lot and I have used a heating pad behind my back as well. I just want to start feeling like my old self again and that is what has been tough. I am usually a real go getter and not having the strength to do the simplist things has me freaked out. :(

I hope you start feeling better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts!

It's funny you mentioned depression.... I am going through that today. I have been on the verge of bawling all day. Over ate like crazy and felt like crap. It sounds like you need more calories! You should try for 1200 per day, I know it's hard. [At first anyways.] This is a HUGE change for us, we're bound to get grumpy and feel down at times. Take care and try to get more cals in. Darlene

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Hi Lee,

Glad you are feeling better today, I was really sore for a few days and didn't do too much moving around for the first 3 days. Everyone is different, some bounce back quickly, others not so much!

If you can walk 1/2 mile today, you are doing great!!! You are on the mend. The gas pains should subside once you are on creamy soup diet...mine did.

Best of luck and congrats!!!

Cathy =D>

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From my own experience depression is normal; we've added a tool to our body that changed how I dealt with my emotions. I was an emotional eater and I couldn't do that anymore because I now had the band and had to follow the rules, at first it took me a while to understand that had not only changed my body, but it changed how I would deal with my emotions and my inner spirit. Before I truly understood I would often get emotional and depressed, it was because I could not feed my emotions anymore. We need to find other ways to deal with our emotions besides food. Its part of the healing process, like the pain - but it’s our emotional healing process. Its sounds confusing – its hard to explain.

But just like the pain it will pass - we'll find other ways to address our emotional spiritual issues that are hopefully healthier for us.



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hello, congrats on your banding, i was banded 6/23/08 and i had a terrible time with the gas..try to use the mylanta chewable tabs..i was in tears over the gas pains and could not breathe well either but the mylanta helps a lot, also make sure you are doin your breathin exercises(if your doc gave them to you)..it took me about 5 days before i could function, i still have a lot of port soreness but am able to function normal...i took 2 mylanta first thing in the am and 2 before i went to bed and also sleep with your head elevated so the gas cant settle in the upper extremeties..hope this helps and you are feeling better. :wub:

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For me the worst pain was in my shoulder, put me in tears! But it also felt like someone was sitting on my chest for the first couple of days. Just keep walking, walking, walking.............that should help!

Welcome to Bandster Land! :lb9:

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I felt it was harder to take a deep breathe but nothing extreme. If you find that it is extremely difficult or you are becoming lightheaded you should probably call the doctor. My stomach was sore the day after surgery more than I was prepared for, but try to remember that giant metal rods were moving around in your stomach and even though the incisions are small, you still had sugery. I brought some of my husbands Lortabs with me for pain so I had some relief. If you feel it is unbearable there could be something else going on and you definitley should call the doctor.

Best of luck and let us know how you are doing.

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Thanks again everyone--

Still feel much better than the day after surgery. I am having a lot of gas though. And my shoulders are still a bit sore. I will try sleeping elevated a bit...that makes a lot of sense. I have been walking which certainly helps. I am fixin to go take a walk right now. I really am doing soooooooo much better than I was. I really was in a lot of pain. Hope everyone else is doing well! Thanks for all the tips!


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