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Size 20 clothes..

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I was supposed to send my size 20 clothes to someone and for the life of me I can't remember who it was! I am so sorry! Please send me a PM and I will get them off to you if you still need them. It is mainly jeans and shorts. I gave all my shirts to my Mom.

Also, I had to share this news! I bought some size 16 jeans at Old Navy and wore them once about 2 months ago. They were very tight. I rarely wear jeans cuz it is so darn hot, but I put them on this morning and they fell to the ground! Off to a size 14 I go..who would've thunk it? LOL I am on cloud 9!

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WHooo-Hooooo! Way to go girl! I am wearing a size 16 shorts today, Never thought I would get there, but I did. Bought a new skirt yesterday at a regular store and it was a size 16 and I was so stunned. I still see the fat girl in the mirror.

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Cloud 9? Don't you mean Size 9 :):)

I was supposed to send my size 20 clothes to someone and for the life of me I can't remember who it was! I am so sorry! Please send me a PM and I will get them off to you if you still need them. It is mainly jeans and shorts. I gave all my shirts to my Mom.

Also, I had to share this news! I bought some size 16 jeans at Old Navy and wore them once about 2 months ago. They were very tight. I rarely wear jeans cuz it is so darn hot, but I put them on this morning and they fell to the ground! Off to a size 14 I go..who would've thunk it? LOL I am on cloud 9!

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It's ME!!! That's so funny you write about it - I was just telling someone this last week that I was going to need those close sooner than I think!!!

Do you need me to send you my info again??


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I love that you are doing so great. I always like to hear of people's sucesses that are ahead of me. It gives me hope. YOur doing geat and keep up the fight. Dawn

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Thanks so much for the compliments!! It really keeps me going. I don't know what I would do without all of you and your support.

Callicat~Yes girl, send me that info! I am SO sorry!!! ><'

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