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First real big slip-up

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Okay, so, I feel the need to confess. I just need to get this off my chest! For the first time since being banded, I have cheated! I am not going to best myself up over it, or use it as an excuse to continue to cheat, I just want to put it out there because for some reason I feel like I have to confess lol :lol: Yesterday at work, my supervisor treated our team to pizza for lunch. I only had one slice which was a first - I usually have 2 or 3! I also had a small dairy queen blizzard. GAH!!!!!!!!!! I am feeling anxiety even saying that. I don't know why. I mean, its okay to treat ourselves every once in a while I guess - as long as we aren't doing it every week. Its just so hard to get out of that mind set of 'good' and 'bad' and seeing it as black and white instead of just watching portion sizes. <_<

SO.... thats it. Oh and I had a turkey burger today on a light bun (70 calories I think and only 15 carbs) and I didn't chew enough - OUCH!!!! That HURT! holy crap. lol. That'll learn me! That was a good turkey burger though - yummy! :D Well thanks everyone for listening to my confession. I just had to get that off my chest. I feel better!!

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Carrie, consider it a treat, you have been doing really well and needed to treat yourself!

So today, you get back on track and focus on your goal!

I hope you enjoyed it! It's sounds like a great treat!

Don't feel anxious or guilty...you have the rest of your life to meet your goal, it's not a race! You cannot deprive yourself of the good things in life!

You deserve a treat once in awhile!

Cathy ><'

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Don't beat yourself up over this. We're all going to have those weak moments. Learn from it, ask yourself what you can do to avoid this situation in the future and move on! :) You haven't lost 28 lbs by doing nothing and one slip up isn't going to derail all your hard work. Just make today a new day!

You're doing great!

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Just don't focus on "messing up". I used to get really upset at myself and then let it spiral to more overeating... Forget, it's over and one with. I have a candy bar (like 3 musketeers or york pattie) every week. It really keeps me from eating chocolate other days because I look forward to having one a week.

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Think about what you used to eat when you "cheated". For me it was and endless parade of calorie laden foods in huge proportion. You've come a long way and I think it's important we not beat ourselves up over one slip up or perhaps allowing yourself to have a treat. Just get back up, dust yourself off and keep on moving in the direction of your goal. I think retraining our brains to not think "good" and "bad" is also a must.

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I don't see how you would consider that a cheat.....you stopped at only one slice and that should be applauded. Would you have done that pre-band? It would have been much worse to deprive yourself and have a bigger downfall later. Just get back on the bandwagon and move on.

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That's not cheating, you finished your liquid faze and now you're on solids, you ate 1/3 of what you would normally eat. Congrats, that's what its all about.

Thanks for saying this, my thoughts too. We don't have to be so strict every single day. The goal is to eat 1/3 of previous amounts. So, thats perfect!!

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Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support!! :D After reading all of your responses - - it helps me to see that I really didn't 'cheat' or do anything wrong. Lisa is right - I ate 1/3 of what I would have normally eaten - - heck, prior to banding, I would have easily eaten 3 slices of pizza and a large DQ blizzard. EASILY! Then I probably would have eaten several other high calorie foods in large amounts on top of that. So that was actually not too bad all things considered. ;) WOOHOOO!!! I never thought I would say it, but I am proud of myself for only having the small amount that I did! WOW! That feels GOOD! haha. Thanks everyone - you are the reason I come to this forum. I know that I will get your support and encouragement no matter what. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ><img src=<' />

I hope that you all had a fantastic 4th of July holiday!

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