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I have no plans to drink alcohol for at least a year post op.

But I'm curious..

What have people's experience been with the occasional cocktail.

Avoid at all cost? Sneak one in occasionally? Or do you drink your calories...




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I am very big on antioxidants, and since good red wine is a great way to get them, it’s a no brainer for me. I add in my glass of red wine into my calorie count - not all the time - but often enough. (I still lost over 125 pounds so it seemed to be OK)

And a cocktail every once in a while, for some reason when I'm on a cruise - which I love to take - I need my occasional cocktail. However I'm careful alcohol hits us harder than it use too so we need to watch our drinking – but my band didn’t turn me into a monk. (Unless of course its one of those great ones in upper NY that make the awesome wine)… I'd join them for a glass anytime.



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I have had a few drinks since my surgery just on special occasions! I was never a big drinker to start with. It's probably best not to drink because of the high calorie content! I wish I liked red wine, because everyone says that a good glass of red wine can be good for you. Can't stand the taste of it. I was always a beer drinker and that's a no no for 6 months due to the carbonation.

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Liquid calories are typically wasted calories but having said that I drink on the regular. A bottle of red wine a week.. sometimes 2 sometimes 0 ... froz fresh fruit margaritas.. i really watch these because of teh sugar/alcohol... generally I like to just have vodka or tequilla on the rocks with a bunch of lemons and limes squeezed on top.

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No alcohol for me since banding, except chat beer!

If you need some chat beer, Kimra and dianna can help you with that!

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I am not a drinker myself, just a couple times a year and only one or two. But, did have a marguerita at the Lucerna last week and it knocked me on my butt. It is definitely true when they say alcohol hits you harder after being banded!! Be careful!

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i was banded on 06/12 and i shared a glass of red wine with my mom last night. i accounted for the calories, and i drank extra water to keep hydrated. it was nice, and i got a little buzzed! no problems whatsoever. :D

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I started drinking a small (1/3 glass of red wine) 30 minutes before dinner on the weekends 30 days after surgery.

It was a bit hard at first, I was use to drinking my glass of wine with dinner, however now I am so use to pouring a small glass, relaxing and drinking it before dinner and I like it better. I taste the wine more, and enjoy the flavor.

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I (like evette) am a weekend drinker. For the first six months I refrained from my fave Jack and Coke and had vodka cranberries. Since I am now past the initial six months, I have tried Jack/Coke but I made sure to sip it very slowly and stir it allot to get some of the carbonation out of it.

Shots are something to be careful of.... I think too much too fast. I almost had one come right back up. And drinking the straight liquor burns in my gut now.

The calories suck ... but I become a world class hip-hop dancer after about 2 drinks!!!!!! LOL :lb3: :drinks: :pardon: :dance4: :party2:

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I (like evette) am a weekend drinker. For the first six months I refrained from my fave Jack and Coke and had vodka cranberries. Since I am now past the initial six months, I have tried Jack/Coke but I made sure to sip it very slowly and stir it allot to get some of the carbonation out of it.

Shots are something to be careful of.... I think too much too fast. I almost had one come right back up. And drinking the straight liquor burns in my gut now.

The calories suck ... but I become a world class hip-hop dancer after about 2 drinks!!!!!! LOL :lb3: :drinks: :pardon: :dance4: :party2:

Amber.....I had no idea! You party animal!

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I am a social drinker as well. Summer will make it more challenging for me, as there's camping, dragonboat festivals, and like this weekend, camping at my girlfriends trailer, and partying at the casino. I was drinking ceaser's on Thursday night, and please, if you don't agree with this, I would prefer no comment, discovered 'White Zinfindal' wine on Friday, and :wacko: I drank the whole darn bottle!! OMG.. that stuff is good. I made sure I drank water after, and felt good the next day. Once summer is over, I will probably only have a glass of wine on special occasion's such as Birthday's and holiday's. I also have to tell you all that the complements from my friends that I hadn't seen in month's put me on cloud nine! What a self esteem booster that was!

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Amber, you're killing me! :lol2: i think Anita would be all in for that one! She would be a "stitch"! Hannah, you got game? I would have to get a babysitter for that one!

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I have no plans to drink alcohol for at least a year post op.

But I'm curious..

What have people's experience been with the occasional cocktail.

Avoid at all cost? Sneak one in occasionally? Or do you drink your calories...




I drink a glass of wine every day, 1 day post OP? havent had any thing strange happen. I am a firm beiliever in one glass of red wine is healthy? so even if i dont want it ? I will still take an our or two and sip it down

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I didn't want to say it before....but I too had a few margaritas at the cantina the day after surgery (2 for one special :rolleyes: ) I couldn't go to mexico and not try the margaritas. They hit you hard and its hard to stop, especially when the alcohol hits and you start to have fun. The next day I was feeling queasy so I am not recommending this to anyone...upon reflection I should not of drank that many. :ph34r:

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I like a glass of wine in the evening but I do notice it can affect my weight loss. I have had a couple of extra glasses a few nights and what would have barely affected me before does make me loopy now so I have been working on keeping it to a glass only.

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