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1st Fill

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Well I am here at The Lucerna, had my first fill this morning @ The OCC. He did 2cc's in my band. It was awesome watching the barium go down on the xray screen. I wanted my daughter to watch but she kept on ducking behind the x-ray wall. (She doesn't like needles) I think this was an agressive fill, so hopefully pounds will start coming off. I had cream of spinach soup for lunch and chicken broth for dinner. The Lucerna has the best soups, I do have to say. Met some really nice ladies here who just had their surgery yesterday and 1 having her's done today.

Hope everyone had a wonderful & safe 4th! :lb21:

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I hope your fill brings great restriction!!

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Wow, that is a good fill, 2cc's. Good for you! I begged for more on my first fill, and he wouldn't give me more than 1.5 .

I not only hope for good restriction for you, but the perfect restriction!!

Were there alot of festivities in TJ yesterday?? I was there on Memorial Day weekend and there were alot of turist celebrating in TJ, made it tough to cross the border. I thought to myself that I wouldn't go back on a holiday again......

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Well I am here at The Lucerna, had my first fill this morning @ The OCC. He did 2cc's in my band. It was awesome watching the barium go down on the xray screen. I wanted my daughter to watch but she kept on ducking behind the x-ray wall. (She doesn't like needles) I think this was an agressive fill, so hopefully pounds will start coming off. I had cream of spinach soup for lunch and chicken broth for dinner. The Lucerna has the best soups, I do have to say. Met some really nice ladies here who just had their surgery yesterday and 1 having her's done today.

Hope everyone had a wonderful & safe 4th! :lb21:

Wow!! They DID give you a good fill!! Dr. Romero gave me 1.8 for my first and I hardly have any restriction. Going back on the 29th and am hoping for a great fill. How do you feel? Let us know how it goes when you start solids! Good luck!! =D>

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