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I have seen that many of you guys drink small amounts of water at a time. I am able to drinkk big gulps of water without a problem. Does this mean that i need a fill? I have been wondering about a third fill since i am not loosing weight, however i feel that i have restriction when eating. I do however eat every 4 hours since that is how long the so called fullness feeling last. I really never feel full, i just stop eating because i am not longer hungry. thanks

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I can do liquids without a problem. I usually buy the large diet lemonades and drink it until it's gone. I once tried to take a huge drink of water from a water bottle before I remembered I shouldn't do that. I did feel a bit uncomfortable afterwards and never tired that again.

I was told that we are not supposed to feel restriction with liquids.

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Hi Lock27,

If you can drink without any problems and have restriction when you eat, you are rockin'. That's exactly where you want to be.

I still have trouble with big gulps of water, although I wish I could just down an ice water some days, I get so thirsty and just wanted to drink the whole thing, but I can't, I get air bubbles right now.

Enjoy it while you can!!!


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Maybe this will help....this is a quote I try to live by because I think it makes so much sense. Its from one of the papers Dr Ortiz gave us...

"Challenge the band...not by eating everything in site and then asking I dont feel restriction, is this normal? Of course it is normal, the band is healing in place totally lose. The real challenge is by testing how small a portion you can eat three times a day without feeling too hungry"

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I completely understand, I can Gulp and Drink fast out of a water bottle (bad habbit) without a problem!

I havent had a fill though, so Im not a good to person to answer this question!

But I too am curious is something wrong with us/me... did we do something wrong that made us this way???

Could we messed up our Band???

Confusing isnt it? :wacko:


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I have seen that many of you guys drink small amounts of water at a time. I am able to drinkk big gulps of water without a problem. Does this mean that i need a fill? I have been wondering about a third fill since i am not loosing weight, however i feel that i have restriction when eating. I do however eat every 4 hours since that is how long the so called fullness feeling last. I really never feel full, i just stop eating because i am not longer hungry. thanks


I think your doing great as far as hunger goes. Have you been counting calories and excercising? I think that will get you loosing again. I have been loosing every week since my last fill and started counting cal and exercising.


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i too am a gulper. I've started taking my gulps and holding them in my mouth and slowly letting them go down. But i feel like i'm not drinking nearly as much water as i used to... oh well. I still get my 8 glasses a day, so i guess it's ok.

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i too am a gulper. I've started taking my gulps and holding them in my mouth and slowly letting them go down. But i feel like i'm not drinking nearly as much water as i used to... oh well. I still get my 8 glasses a day, so i guess it's ok.

I've done the same thing - drinking a good amount and swallowing it a bit at a time. I notice I get really thirsty at night and usually have 2-3 glasses before getting into bed. I try to drink as slowly as possible, but sometimes it's hard. I don't get uncomfortable, I just get a little burpy. Followed by a 3am dash to the bathroom!

Don't worry, just try to drink a little more slowly. The important thing is you're drinking water!

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