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Non-Scale Victories

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Today I was contemplating what to wear to a family brunch. I wanted to wear jeans, but my old jeans were too big and my new jeans were too long and needed to be hemmed. I found a pair that I thought was going to be way too long and pulled them on. I knew something was wrong, because these jeans were the right length on me. I realized they were a pair a jeans that I haven't been able to fit in for over 2 years and never thought I'd get to wear again. I actually tried them on last month just hoping beyond hope that they'd fit, but they wouldn't button. Now they fit easily - the button isn't straining to stay buttoned and my stomach isn't hanging over the sides. Whoooo!!! Before I could even say anything to my boyfriend who was in the other room when I put them on, he came in and said, "wow, those jeans look great on you". :) He's used to my jeans being saggy in the butt (somehow that always happened), but these jeans FIT. I haven't weighed myself in a while, but this feels almost as good as seeing my weight drop.

Anyone else have a NSV lately?

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Today I was contemplating what to wear to a family brunch. I wanted to wear jeans, but my old jeans were too big and my new jeans were too long and needed to be hemmed. I found a pair that I thought was going to be way too long and pulled them on. I knew something was wrong, because these jeans were the right length on me. I realized they were a pair a jeans that I haven't been able to fit in for over 2 years and never thought I'd get to wear again. I actually tried them on last month just hoping beyond hope that they'd fit, but they wouldn't button. Now they fit easily - the button isn't straining to stay buttoned and my stomach isn't hanging over the sides. Whoooo!!! Before I could even say anything to my boyfriend who was in the other room when I put them on, he came in and said, "wow, those jeans look great on you". :) He's used to my jeans being saggy in the butt (somehow that always happened), but these jeans FIT. I haven't weighed myself in a while, but this feels almost as good as seeing my weight drop.

Anyone else have a NSV lately?

WOW, good for you!!! Bet that feels good!

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That is AWESOME! Jeans that FIT. I want some.

My Non-Scale Victory was e-mailed to me by my sister. Lat Saturday was my daughter's tap recital and in one of the photos she took, you see my daughter and MOST of me is cut out of the shot..what you see if the front of my shirt. What I noticed in the shot is how much FLATTER my tummy looked in the shot. I am not even 3 weeks post op, but it felt GREAT to see it in the pic.


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i've been lucky to have SV's ans NSVs lately but i think it's just so nice to fit back into the cute clothes i tucked away thinking "someday when i get my act together i'll wear these again". I think it's important to celebrate each victory we achieve!! So :lb10: to all the bandsters with victories over their past!!

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Way to go Alana! I bet that was such a great feeling to get those jeans on not even realizing which jeans they were until they were zipped up!

I agree with Cathy...who cares what the scale says when scenarios like this occur??!!



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Awsome Alana,

I am glad you are doing so well. I had a NSV yesterday. I put on a pair of Capri's newly washed and couldn't make it through the day because they kept falling down and they were just hanging on me. I haven't lost much weight. I have gained since my first fill. My second fill is tommorow afternoon so I am hoping this is the one that makes the difference.

It is good to hear from some of the bandsters that I was at OCC with. I saw Brenda and Jenn when I went for my first fill, that was a nice surprise. This time I will be going local so won't run into any buddies but I still think about you all.

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Isn't that a good feeling. i keep "finding" stuff in my closet that I think won't fit and I try it on and darned....it fits!!! My new size 18's need a belt to keep them from falling down now. I got into a 16 and wore them all day long before I realized how "small" they were! I have a bunch of nice size 12 stuff that I bought a few months back in the hopes of getting into them...I may have to dig them out soon. My son tells me I have really "skinny" legs now.....he is 17 years old and compliments are rare!

I just love the NSV's!!!

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alana, congrats on your NSV ! =D> =D> =D>

I went through my closet today and pulled out 2 huge stacks of clothes that are all to BIG For me! I was able to fit back into my favorite pair of jeans that haven't fit me for 2 years! Everyone is finally starting to notice my weight loss. My jeans are baggy by the end of the day. :)

I'm totally out of size 22 now and comfortably in a size 20. :)

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alana, congrats on your NSV ! =D> =D> =D>

I went through my closet today and pulled out 2 huge stacks of clothes that are all to BIG For me! I was able to fit back into my favorite pair of jeans that haven't fit me for 2 years! Everyone is finally starting to notice my weight loss. My jeans are baggy by the end of the day. :)

I'm totally out of size 22 now and comfortably in a size 20. :)

I know that must feel so good! Congrats!

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Yay for you and all of us. I also have been down sizeing went from a 22 to a 20 and yesterday was abel to get into some old 18's, I couldnt believe it. Keep up the good work.

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Yay for you and all of us. I also have been down sizeing went from a 22 to a 20 and yesterday was abel to get into some old 18's, I couldnt believe it. Keep up the good work.

YAY! Pretty soon, you'll be wondering how you ever fit in those 22's.

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Well, I have only lost 20 pounds so far, so I found my NSV kind of odd. My sister has always worn a small shoe than me (she is much skinnier than me). I have always had to buy shoes are are too long in the length so that they fit in the width. It is very hard to find wide shoes. For example, the length of my foot is a size 7 shoe, but I normally have to buy an 8 or an 8 1/2. Well today, my sister and I were shopping and we each bought the same shoe. I was actually comfortable in a size 7. I could believe it!!! I thought that maybe it was a fluke, and then shoes size was just off. I asked my sister what size her shoes were and they were an 8!!! I was thrilled!!! :D

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That's not odd at all! That's great! I had a similar experience today with the pair of open toed, low heels I wore to work. My feat usually look like stuffed sausages in them, but today they fit easily and I didn't have painful welts at the end of the day. Here's to skinnier feet!

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