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Home from holidays

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;) I am home from the Oregon Coast. Wow was it beautiful!!! I loved riding on the dunes, that was the high light for me. I ate a lot of bad food and it made me realize something....I have no idea how to eat healthy while camping. Sounds kinda dumb but camping has always been associated with junk food. Any tips would be great!

I also almost backed out of the surgery at a weak moment while camping. We were eating smores and I started thinking.....hmmm after the surgery I won't be able to eat like this with the kids and it is kinda fun to get a sticky face with them and laugh...but that must have been a weak moment because that passed and I realized that we really weren't doing active stuff with the kids because we were to fat to do it. For instance playing soccer or baseball. We would go out for most of the day doing the touristy stuff come back to the travel trailer and have a nap. That sucks! I HAVE to have the surgery so I can do stuff with the kids. They are suffering because I made bad choices and allowed my weight get so out of control.

Sorry to vent here but I know you all understand where I am coming from.

Have a wonderful day!


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You'll be able to have smores again.... just not so many of them : )

I think your analysis hits the nail on the head. Forego a little now, to have hundreds more options later. You are going to succeed in the battle, I can tell!

Good luck on your surgery! I do not regret my decision one bit to do it!

(and until that day you can enjoy smores again, scour a few recipe sites and look at alternatives that YOU can have while they are making the gooey sticky mess)

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I get what your saying! I have 3 kids, 12, 8, and 6 and do not have the energy right now to go outside with them. I have tried to ride bikes and skateboards but with the smoking and being over weight I couldn't hang for very long! I am now smoke free and on my way to losing the weight and am really looking forward to doing more active things with the kids!

Best of luck on your journey!

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;) I am home from the Oregon Coast. Wow was it beautiful!!! I loved riding on the dunes, that was the high light for me. I ate a lot of bad food and it made me realize something....I have no idea how to eat healthy while camping. Sounds kinda dumb but camping has always been associated with junk food. Any tips would be great!

I also almost backed out of the surgery at a weak moment while camping. We were eating smores and I started thinking.....hmmm after the surgery I won't be able to eat like this with the kids and it is kinda fun to get a sticky face with them and laugh...but that must have been a weak moment because that passed and I realized that we really weren't doing active stuff with the kids because we were to fat to do it. For instance playing soccer or baseball. We would go out for most of the day doing the touristy stuff come back to the travel trailer and have a nap. That sucks! I HAVE to have the surgery so I can do stuff with the kids. They are suffering because I made bad choices and allowed my weight get so out of control.

Sorry to vent here but I know you all understand where I am coming from.

Have a wonderful day!


We just came back from a week camping and I had a smore (actually I could only eat half of one) and I even had a few chips one day. I didn't lose anything this week but I didn't gain either which is different than my old camping days where I always gained a couple of pounds. I am a believer that with the lap band we can still eat well just not in the vast quantities we once did. Good luck with your new 'banded' life.

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I struggle with the same thing, we camp alot, dirt bike ride in winter, and river in summer, and it seems like a junk food fest. I can still eat junk, I have to watch that. But when I pack the food now, I buy a big veggie tray and the kids love it!! I try now to bring any junk or at least not much!! If it's not available nobody misses it!!! Best of luck on your journey!!


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;) I am home from the Oregon Coast. Wow was it beautiful!!! I loved riding on the dunes, that was the high light for me. I ate a lot of bad food and it made me realize something....I have no idea how to eat healthy while camping. Sounds kinda dumb but camping has always been associated with junk food. Any tips would be great!

I also almost backed out of the surgery at a weak moment while camping. We were eating smores and I started thinking.....hmmm after the surgery I won't be able to eat like this with the kids and it is kinda fun to get a sticky face with them and laugh...but that must have been a weak moment because that passed and I realized that we really weren't doing active stuff with the kids because we were to fat to do it. For instance playing soccer or baseball. We would go out for most of the day doing the touristy stuff come back to the travel trailer and have a nap. That sucks! I HAVE to have the surgery so I can do stuff with the kids. They are suffering because I made bad choices and allowed my weight get so out of control.

Sorry to vent here but I know you all understand where I am coming from.

Have a wonderful day!


Where do you live? We have a family cabin in Newport and I love to visit the coast. I live in Portland and it's a bit of a drive now so we don't go too often, especially with the price of gas!!

Great job on venting here. I urge you to go through with your surgery, it's a wonderful tool to help lose weight for ever as long as you follow the guidlines. You won't be sorry.

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Don't despair! Camping food can be nutricious and with the band you won't be nearly as hungry. You can take lots of fresh veggies and fruits....add a protein and you have a healthy meal. S'mores aren't bad if you stop at one or two. You can still have them, just not the volume that you are used to having. How about celery stuffed with peanut butter for a snack....yogurt with granola...Jiffy pop is fun over the campfire. Fruit kabobs are always a hit. Leave the chips, bread at home and get creative. I was under the mistaken impression that I would have to deprive myself, but I really don't, but I can stop now, before the band I would overeat until everything is gone. I still deal with guilt about throwing food away because I don't eat it now and that is hard. You will have a lot more energy to do things with the kids and they will love it! Nature walks and hikes are always a hit. We love to beach comb for beach glass and then we save it and make stepping stones decorated with it when we get home. We make driftwood mobiles or take a trash bag and walk along the beach or trails and pick up trash...great exercise and it keeps you busy so you stay away from the food plus it helps the environment. Instead of food around the campfire, tell stories or have family talks...Gosh, now I want to go camping!

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I know what you mean Its hard to watch everyone eat whatever they want and you almost feel deprived, but you know you can get through this You will feel much better in the end and your kids won't believe what Mom can do now ( I can't wait for my 12year old to say that instead of"what hurts now",lol) Keep your head up and good luck on surgery be the best thing you ever did for yourself. :lb4:

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