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meat on pre-op diet

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I'm doing ok with the pre=op diet, but was wondering if when we eat the salads can we put meat on it smd cheese,and eggs. Would be great if we could. Also just wanted to say sorry if seems so crazy about this diet I just don't know how strict or liberal I can be. :wacko:

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I would follow the plan your surgeon set out for you.

My pre-op was completely fat free...which meant no meat, cheese...actually no food. I was on 4 Optifast shakes per day.

Good luck, you get through this and be on the road to getting healthy and thin in no time!!!

Cathy ><'

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Guest sdejong

From what I understood you need to follow the diet strictly. I was told that you can have things like asparagus and zuchini but without butter and stuff. This was my daily diet for the pre opt phase, I mean I ate this every day.... I lost almost 20lbs in 3 weeks. from 220lbs to 201lbs on day of surgery.

Breakfast: Protien shake (1/2 cup of milk with powder)

Lunch: Large salad (salad shreds) with zuchini fried in fat free/cal free spray

Dinner: Large salad mixed with either a lean cuisine or south beach or smart one dinner.

I felt that mixing/cutting up the meal with my salad made it feel like I was eating more at dinner. My favorite was the Smart Ones veggie lasagna.

Best of luck...

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The diet I followed was the Adkins diet. That basically was ALL meat and cheese. Lost 17 pounds pre-op. Depends on when you want to start the diet and who is banding you. The OCC give you 3 choices.

1. 3 protein shakes a day for one week prior to surgery

2. 2 protein shakes a day with a lean cuisine dinner for 2 weeks pror to surgery

3. Adkins induction diet for 3 weeks prior to surgery

So, I chose #3

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