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I am soooooo anxious to step on that scary monster scale.......

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Suddenly, a pair of pants that I have on today is REALLY big! I just wore them 2 weeks ago and they weren't his big then! But, today they are real baggy. I am soooo dying to step on the scale, but I won't until the weekend. Everytime I do I get disappointed so I will wait.

I think it's time to pull out the tape measure too. Maybe I'll wait for the weekend for that too.

Is it possible to have a big enough drop overnight like this? I mean, my pants are HUGE today!

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Suddenly, a pair of pants that I have on today is REALLY big! I just wore them 2 weeks ago and they weren't his big then! But, today they are real baggy. I am soooo dying to step on the scale, but I won't until the weekend. Everytime I do I get disappointed so I will wait.

I think it's time to pull out the tape measure too. Maybe I'll wait for the weekend for that too.

Is it possible to have a big enough drop overnight like this? I mean, my pants are HUGE today!

Good for you mona! ;) That is a great victory. Don't let the scale dictate how you feel. I think we all get caught up with that from time to time. I am only a week out from surgery and I made a decision to not weigh until my first follow up appointment. I didn't want the disappointment and anxiety that comes with the scale. I think weighing once a week is a great pattern. It is tough because we all want to jump on it all the time. I cannot even keep a scale in the house because if I did, I would be on it several times a day! :wacko:

Great job on the pants! Now, on to the next ones!


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Way to go Mona!! :D

I would have had flames coming out of my butt running to the scales! LOL You have immense willpower!

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Girlfriend, Don't be scared of that scale or tape measure!! Treat yourself to a peek!! ;)

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You know what who cares what the scale says. CLEARLY your body is smaller or the pants wouldn't be bigger!

Its like right after surgery, and I got on the scale and I was down like almost 15 lbs, but my clothes sure didn't feel like I was down 15 lbs. Then over the next 2-3 weeks, my clothes started getting looser and soon I was wearing a size smaller and then another size smaller, but the scale didn't drop much more, only another 5 lbs.

It was like my body was catching up to what the scale said. That is the only way I can think to describe it. my size was catching up to the scale.

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It isn't possible for mere skin cells and adipocytes to keep up.

You'll pull in weeks after you've lost the 5/10/15 pounds. If you lost an ounce a month, for a zillion months, your skin would have time to shrink. If we plan it right, exercize it right, behave right, we'll lose 8 pounds a month.

And plateau.


But our bodies will continue to pull in just because it can't keep up.

That's why the Plastics won't take you until you've been at a constant weight for a few months. They'll pull skin, they'll tighten muscles...but your body has to stop doing exactly the same thing or the surgery will look botched...like you're Courtney Love or something.

It's why we can gain 4 pounds when Aunt Flo visits, lose it a week later and keep on going. We have some "play" in our bodies. We don't have 12 pounds of play.

Plateaus are your body's way of saying "TIME!!!" "I need to shrink. Just chill for a bit."

Then you're on your way again. With stretch marks. Dammit.

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It isn't possible for mere skin cells and adipocytes to keep up.

You'll pull in weeks after you've lost the 5/10/15 pounds. If you lost an ounce a month, for a zillion months, your skin would have time to shrink. If we plan it right, exercize it right, behave right, we'll lose 8 pounds a month.

And plateau.


But our bodies will continue to pull in just because it can't keep up.

That's why the Plastics won't take you until you've been at a constant weight for a few months. They'll pull skin, they'll tighten muscles...but your body has to stop doing exactly the same thing or the surgery will look botched...like you're Courtney Love or something.

It's why we can gain 4 pounds when Aunt Flo visits, lose it a week later and keep on going. We have some "play" in our bodies. We don't have 12 pounds of play.

Plateaus are your body's way of saying "TIME!!!" "I need to shrink. Just chill for a bit."

Then you're on your way again. With stretch marks. Dammit.

LOL I loved this post!!! Thanks Phoenix!!!

CONGRATS Mona... no matter what that damn monster scary scale says!!!!!!!!!

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Perfect about the plateaus, however did want to clear up one thing about plastics.

There are many plastic surgeons who now specialize in weight loss patients and understand how we loose weight and were. The procedures are planned around and during our weight loss.

They do not wait until you've been at your weight for a few months - and have no problem doing the surgery before you hit your goals I can tell you I don’t look like Courtney and many of us have worked with plastic surgeons and done procedures during our weight loss (and some after - lift for me) depending on the procedure. When I talked to Dr. Ortez about plastic surgery the group he worked with recommended you loose last at least 75% of your weight. Many times the procedures will help you quickly reach your goals, for example a tummy tuck, you will have muscles tighten and they cut off the fat so you don’t have to loose it, and partnered with lippo it is a great procedure to have done before you loose all of your weight per my doctor and many plastic surgeons I met with before I decided on Dr. Nyte – and I can tell you one thing – I don’t look like Courtney, (I don’t think she ever had a weight problem – drug yes, obesity no ;-)

My stomach looks great and I had the procedure at a higher weight than most would guess. Thank goodness I did - I'm thrilled with the results and it really help me reach my goals. Each should do their own research and decide what is best for them.



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