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good fiber choice

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we all know how important protien is. well fiber is real important too. some do not have a problem in the poop department. i do. we should have 30 grams of fiber a day. for me that is hard. i found something that tastes great and has alot of fiber. fiber one 9 grams of fiber and kelloges fiber all bars 10 grams. they have different flavors like chocolate chip and peanut butter and granola. they taste great. they are a great choice to keep in your purse for emergencies. i am going to eat one for breakfast and maybe a snack sometimes. try them.

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we all know how important protien is. well fiber is real important too. some do not have a problem in the poop department. i do. we should have 30 grams of fiber a day. for me that is hard. i found something that tastes great and has alot of fiber. fiber one 9 grams of fiber and kelloges fiber all bars 10 grams. they have different flavors like chocolate chip and peanut butter and granola. they taste great. they are a great choice to keep in your purse for emergencies. i am going to eat one for breakfast and maybe a snack sometimes. try them.

and... I found that Crystal Light now makes a "on the go" pack that has fiber too. It's Live Active Natural Raspberry Peach. Each packet has 3grams of fiber.

I have a 40oz water jug that I put 2 packets in.. so 6g fiber per jug. Every little bit helps!!!


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I was told to ad benafiber to my protein shake I have in the morning, because I to had lots of pooping problems even resulting in surgery, while still on the 21 day liquid phase. So please get enough fiber.

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I used to be good about adding in the Benefiber but I have been slacking, thanks for the reminder that I need to get back on the Fiber Train! (I hear that's where all those cool girls from Team Craptastic hang out anyways!)

On the fiber train? HAHAHAHAHAHAA That was a good one Michelle!

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