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On To Real Food!!!

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Today was my first official day to eat real food!!! YAY!! I decided to take things slow with baked chicken, potato salad and cream corn...I only ate a few bites of each but I swear it was the best meal I have eaten in my entire life! It is amazing how full I get and how quickly; I brought home almost my entire plate of food.

I have been stuck at the same weight now for a week, not sure if it is lack of protein or if I'm just not eating enough food so my body thinks I'm starving and just not letting go of anything. I'm hoping being back on real food will start moving the scale down again!

Wish me luck everyone!

Erin :D

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Yay Erin, I remember my first solids. And yes its the best day of youre new life. I was also stuck for a week at the same weight, but I started drinking lots more water and lots of walking.

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That seemed to go by really fast. It seems like about a week ago I was envying you having your surgery. I'll bet it didn't seem that fast to you! I'm happy for you!! How bad was the recovery phase for you?

:lb11: :lb21:

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The recovery phase was not to bad. I was sore and nauseous for about two weeks but now I'm back to 100% and the only reminder that I had surgery are some small little scratches on my tummy! I am a little bummed that I have not lost any more weight though and actually have gained 2 lbs according to the scale this morning....Really wasn't expecting that considering I really did not eat hardly anything yesterday.

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The recovery phase was not to bad. I was sore and nauseous for about two weeks but now I'm back to 100% and the only reminder that I had surgery are some small little scratches on my tummy! I am a little bummed that I have not lost any more weight though and actually have gained 2 lbs according to the scale this morning....Really wasn't expecting that considering I really did not eat hardly anything yesterday.


Do you know how many calories we should be consuming now on solids? I started going back to the gym today and I don't want not consuming enough calories AND working out to effect my weightloss...

I really didn't enjoy eating yesterday, I acutally missed dinner...Maybe it's because I really want pizza and not veggies and chicken ;- )

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Erin I can not believe you are on to real food already! Gosh time flys! Next friday is my first day on real food, I am kinda scared to move on.. I know it sounds crazy!

Maybe when I move on to solids it will get rid of this lump in my throat! YES its still there.. Dr. Acosta said he thinks it will get better when I move on to real food so I hope so...

Some friend want to go to the hard rock and eat that Friday night, but I am kinda scared to go. I have to retrain myself how to go out and eat again ya know what I mean. I have to learn not to STOCK PILE my plate and only eat a little bit and then wait to see if I am full...

Good luck on your weight lost honey you are doing good... Remember slow and steady is way better then fast results...

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Erin I can not believe you are on to real food already! Gosh time flys! Next friday is my first day on real food, I am kinda scared to move on.. I know it sounds crazy!

Maybe when I move on to solids it will get rid of this lump in my throat! YES its still there.. Dr. Acosta said he thinks it will get better when I move on to real food so I hope so...

Some friend want to go to the hard rock and eat that Friday night, but I am kinda scared to go. I have to retrain myself how to go out and eat again ya know what I mean. I have to learn not to STOCK PILE my plate and only eat a little bit and then wait to see if I am full...

Good luck on your weight lost honey you are doing good... Remember slow and steady is way better then fast results...


I started solids yesterday too..same as Erin...I found it a little hard to eat, but this morning was a lot better. I am going out to dinner tonight for the first time so I will let you know how it goes!

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Everyone says we should be around 1200 calories from all of the post I have read. Does anyone else know for sure on this? I gained 2 lbs and am not liking that at all but I'm hoping that when I eat a bit more my body will stop stock piling the food! UGH! :lb12:


I was terrified to eat real food also but I just made sure that I paid attention to what I was eating and chewed everything really well. It is hard at first because believe me, mentally I would have kept picking at my plate so I had to have it packed up in a to go box right away after I finished eating. Even though you are out and having a good time you have to really pay attention to your food and your chewing.

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Everyone says we should be around 1200 calories from all of the post I have read. Does anyone else know for sure on this? I gained 2 lbs and am not liking that at all but I'm hoping that when I eat a bit more my body will stop stock piling the food! UGH! :lb12:


I was terrified to eat real food also but I just made sure that I paid attention to what I was eating and chewed everything really well. It is hard at first because believe me, mentally I would have kept picking at my plate so I had to have it packed up in a to go box right away after I finished eating. Even though you are out and having a good time you have to really pay attention to your food and your chewing.

This is what I wrote to Dr. Miranda:

Dr. Miranda,


> I started the solid phase yesterday, day 21.... I hardly could finish a

> scrambled egg before I was full. For lunch I had a turkey hot dog and

> broccoli, again I only ate about half of the hot dog, but I managed all of

> the broccoli. I started working out today also...My concern is I do not

> want my body to think I am starving myself. I heard if you do not eat

> enough calories it could actually make you not able to lose weight.


> Now that I am working out and on solids, how many calories should I be

> consuming every day?

And this is what she replied:

Hi Ms Larson:

You are doing good please do not force feed, trust me there will be

apoint where you are going to eat a little bit more and more. RIght

now as long as you do quality foods and a multivitamin you will be

fine. And do 3 meals a day, even if it only some berry for lunch you

are having something

Dr. MIranda

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