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true results

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just wandering if anyone else out there has been banded from the true results center in san antonio,tx?? :huh:

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Hey Sharon,

Most of us have been banded by Dr. Ortiz since this is his website. He is awesome; you might want to check his credentials out on http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/ if you haven't received your band yet - he's my doctor and I'm thrilled with my results. (opps - sorry now I see your banded date - my bad)...

However we have many band sisters and brothers that have been banded by others that have joined us here. If you don't have any luck finding one of his pt's here you should try www.lapbandtalk.com.

Good luck!


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No, but I did have a consult from their Phoenix branch.

They are straight up, and I liked them.

Being self pay, I didn't like them an extra 10,000, but I thought they were very professional and well practiced.

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I chose Dr. Ortiz because I felt he was the best for me. I am sure there are may competent surgeons but iI also could not get insurance to pay so for the price plus the top ratings I am so glad I went to him!!! I was not disappointed in fact it was a pleasure ( except for the ggggaaaaaassssss, but I don't think that has anything to do with him!! )

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