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Questions about weight gain and solids

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Hey everyone,

So I am on my second day of solids and have gained 2 pounds already. I know that I was not getting enough calories on the liquid diet and I'm wondering if the recent weight gain is just still my body trying to adjust to the reduced calories and holding on to them? I'm wondering if this is what happened to most of you? I see a lot of post that people gained weight but not many following up. Did anyone run into this where they gained weight and then started losing after their body adjusted? I do not feel that I am eating a lot of food right now, barely any to be quite honest and surely not enough to warrant weight gain. Did all of you that ran into this change something after the weight gain or did you just continue to eat as you were?

Looking for a ray of sunshine!


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Hi Erin:

I too gained a few back as soon as I started solids. That was over 2 weeks ago and I am finally backdown to where I was. I really didn't change anything I just continued to eat about 1200 calories a day. Oh I guess I did change something. I started to exercise 3-4 times a week. I still feel that I am not losing yet as I should but amd not allowing myself to get too frustrated. I know this will work for all of us and it takes a while for our bodies to adjust to the new routine.


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I was banded June 16, and after I went to solids (even before) there was no movement, but about 4 days ago it jump-started-fear not! You just need the adjustment time, and then it will work in your favor. This is not as immediate as gastric bypass, and I know I get frustrated with it too!


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I also did that. It took me a week or so to get back to where I was on liquids. Your body will adjust and then the pounds will drop off. Don't fret over it..though I know that's hard!

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I was banded June 12th and lost 12 pounds the first 2 weeks. However, I haven't lost a pound since. I haven't gained either, but I'm right there with you, girl! I know we aren't supposed to be concerned with weight loss right now, but proper healing of the stomach. I try to remind myself of that fact daily. I know how you feel, and I've just been following the plan and exercising to keep from gaining.

My first fill is not scheduled until July 28th, so I still have 2 more weeks to wait. I just hope to at least stay the same weight until then.

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Erin...You are doing what you know will work..your body will get the message soon.

My scale at home is totally unreliable and I have not managed to get to my TOPS meeting, so I have no idea what I weigh. The home scale showed I was up a bit...but then it is at LEAST ten pounds off so I have no idea if it was real or not. I will jump on a scale when I get my allergy shot on Mon. I am eating ok..and keeping my calories where they should be. My clothes fit better so hopefully I will get answers I like.

I want to get to Twosville...I know...everntually I want to get to Onderland, but right now I will be THRILLED with Twosville. I have not been in Twosville in over 3 years. Realistically, I should be able to get there before July is over. I would LOVE to be in Twosville when I go for my first fill.

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