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Too Tight?

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Hi Band Family,

I was wondering if anyone can descibe how you know if the band is too tight?

I have trouble eating more than a couple of bites at a time without PBing. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not because I am guessing it is temporary. My second fill was a week ago. Popsicles have become my new best friend.

Anyway, this situation may be just right and it is just new to me.

As always, thanks for sharing your experiences.

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Its hard, there’s a good chance you are too tight, however you also may be swollen due to PBing. I would recommend you put yourself on liquids for 3 days to give your band a break. Then test it, eat some really moist protein, small bits and chew 30 times. Don’t push it, ¼ of chopped protein would be the max. See how you do, if you are still PBing you will most likely need an unfil. Also avoid salts, is it that time of the month, and are you stressing – all of these things can cause your band to tighten. I've thought I was too tight before, did this and ended up fine - but be careful - if you are you want to go in for an unfill as soon as possible.

Take care, I hope it all works out for you!

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My friend and I just got back from OCC from getting fills. thank god we stayed the night, because she ended up having to go back for a bit of an unfill. She could only eat about 5 bites, then would start PBing. When we went back, they said she was to tight. I think you should call the doctor that you had your fill done by. Don't take a chance, it is not worth it.

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I have days when I am the same way you explained and other days when I can eat anything at all. My band always keeps me guessing!

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Hi Band Family,

I was wondering if anyone can descibe how you know if the band is too tight?

I have trouble eating more than a couple of bites at a time without PBing. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not because I am guessing it is temporary. My second fill was a week ago. Popsicles have become my new best friend.

Anyway, this situation may be just right and it is just new to me.

As always, thanks for sharing your experiences.


I'm new to the forum. I was banded on April 10th and have lost 20lbs since. I'm hoping someone can help me...I don't know if my band is too tight, something is stuck or if it has slipped?

I have been eating whatever I wanted up until being filled to 7 cc's on Tuesday. Now eating has been hard (mostly liquids), but this weekend was the worst. On Saturday, I did not eat breakfast, ate broth for lunch and then went to a barbecue for dinner where I had a hot dog (no bun). I thought I chewed the hot dog up enough, but ended up pbing, sliming and then heaving. It looked like I got all of the hot dog up, but later I tried eating ice cream, but ended up pbing and sliming again. Went to bed, woke up made a cup of coffee and that too would not stay down. Bought soup for lunch...same thing. I managed to painfully get down five or six bites of dinner (finely blended) without pbing. Tried coffee again this morning, but could only take a few sips and it hurt. I bought soup on the way into work and was able to eat half a cup, but it hurt going down. I'm drinking slim fast now and I'm still having the same problem. It seems to go down fine up until it hits my chest and then I feel the pain. It feels almost like the slim fast moves something and then drops down into my stomach and then the pain is gone. The area from my belly button up to my chest hurts right in the center...I'm thinking it's swollen from pbing. Am I too tight, is something stuck or has my band slipped?


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I'm new to the forum. I was banded on April 10th and have lost 20lbs since. I'm hoping someone can help me...I don't know if my band is too tight, something is stuck or if it has slipped?

I have been eating whatever I wanted up until being filled to 7 cc's on Tuesday. Now eating has been hard (mostly liquids), but this weekend was the worst. On Saturday, I did not eat breakfast, ate broth for lunch and then went to a barbecue for dinner where I had a hot dog (no bun). I thought I chewed the hot dog up enough, but ended up pbing, sliming and then heaving. It looked like I got all of the hot dog up, but later I tried eating ice cream, but ended up pbing and sliming again. Went to bed, woke up made a cup of coffee and that too would not stay down. Bought soup for lunch...same thing. I managed to painfully get down five or six bites of dinner (finely blended) without pbing. Tried coffee again this morning, but could only take a few sips and it hurt. I bought soup on the way into work and was able to eat half a cup, but it hurt going down. I'm drinking slim fast now and I'm still having the same problem. It seems to go down fine up until it hits my chest and then I feel the pain. It feels almost like the slim fast moves something and then drops down into my stomach and then the pain is gone. The area from my belly button up to my chest hurts right in the center...I'm thinking it's swollen from pbing. Am I too tight, is something stuck or has my band slipped?


Hello maddy and welcome to the forum!

It sounds like you may need an unfill, you should always be able to drink without any problems. My Doc who did my fill stressed that, you should never have a problem with fluids. I think you should call your Doc right away and tell him what's going on. You don't want to get dehydrated! Please post and let us know how you're doing, Best wishes, Darlene

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So glad to hear from you Maddy...You may just be swollen from your pbing episodes. Get some gatorade and/or special K protein water asap. Also call your Doctor to see what they recommend.

What great progress you've made so far.

=D> :lb24: :lb21:

Please keep us posted on you situation, we all care!!

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So glad to hear from you Maddy...You may just be swollen from your pbing episodes. Get some gatorade and/or special K protein water asap. Also call your Doctor to see what they recommend.

What great progress you've made so far.

=D> :lb24: :lb21:

Please keep us posted on you situation, we all care!!

Thank you all so much for your responses! It's great to have someone to talk to. I was afraid you guys were going to say call my doctor :( . My boyfriend has been telling me all weekend. I'm going to give it one more day to see how I am feeling. I will stick to fluids tonight and tomorrow to allow my band to relax. If it still hurts to swallow liquids tomorrow I will call.

Again, thank you all so much!


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The line in the sand is if you cannot get liquids down. It does not take much time at all to become dehydrated and to avoid that, it's time for an emergency unfill. Otherwise just take it easy for a few days. Be sure to get your calories and your proteins in liquid form during that time so you don't make yourself ill. If after a few days of liquids you're still hurting or unable to get solids down then it's time to get the doctor involved and get some saline taken out.

A few thoughts from reading your post though. The skins on hot dogs can make them tough to eat. I almost always have to skin them or else they get stuck. Hebrew National hot dogs seems to be the only ones I can get down without altering them. Also, some people find they are more restricted in the morning than the rest of the day, and some people especially have trouble with coffee, though that seems to be limited to espressos.

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