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I found the perfect weight loss tool and a note about my sister

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First - the good news. If you want to call it that. I found the perfect instant weight loss tool - by accident!!

It goes like this:

spend a great deal of quality time in the bathroom

do this as many times as possible in one the span of 5 hours

don't eat or drink for fear of NEVER leaving the bathroom

And last, step on that dreaded ugly monster scale and look at it!

VOILA!! 2 pounds gone!

Who says this weight loss thing is hard! Heck, I'm gonna try this every day! I should be to goal in no time, LOL!!! NOT!!!!!!!

And now a note about my sister - she's the one who was banded here in the states, you know, the one I am green with jealousy over because she is losing weight nicely. Well, made a trip to the emergency room due to some severe pain in her abdomen. Turns out she has an infected port and will need to have it replaced. She remembers her last fill and how he had to dog around quite a bit to find the port so that was probably where it happened. So she is on massive doses of 2 antibiotics until monday when she goes to her surgeon. She was initially afraid it was her apendix.

So, thats been my exciting day. And now, I think I have to go and drop another pound or so, LOL!!!!!!

it's always goes back to poop talk!

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Wow, sorry to hear about your sister. That is the reason I am afraid to have a fill without a fluroscopy. When I went for my first fill the doctor (not from OCC) stuck me 4 times. I too was afraid of infection, my port area was very red and swollen, but thank god no infection, I guess. I don't know if it would have become infected or not, I work at a doctors office and to be on the safe side, the doctor gave me a script for antibiotics, so I took them as precaution. I would like to say it was not the doctors fault she had to poke me so many times, at that time my port was flipped.

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Oh I love having massive weight losing poops! Hooray!! LOL

It seems like we go so less now that when it happens, it is good!

Sorry about your sister's port. I hope she gets it fixed really soon.

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LMAO about your new diet plan. It could be called "The Craptastic Crash Diet". Yes you too can lose 2# in a day without leaving the bathroom!!!

On a serious not Mona I pray your sister will heal asap and have no more probs related to her band.

Take car to both of you!!

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LMAO about your new diet plan. It could be called "The Craptastic Crash Diet". Yes you too can lose 2# in a day without leaving the bathroom!!!

On a serious not Mona I pray your sister will heal asap and have no more probs related to her band.

Take car to both of you!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAA You are too funny, I love this!!!!!!!

Thanks for the good thought, I'll let you know what her doctor says tomorrow about whether she gets it replaced ot what happens.

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