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I Really Want it, But I'm Scared!

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Hey, I REALLY want to go to Tijuana to have this surgery. However, I'm a little wary and trying to do as much research as possible about Tijuana, the Dr's, financing, etc. I've got a million questions. So, anything you can say that might ease my mind or any leads you can give me that provide information about the Dr's, facilities, finance companies, etc, I will greatly appreciate it!!

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Hey, I REALLY want to go to Tijuana to have this surgery. However, I'm a little wary and trying to do as much research as possible about Tijuana, the Dr's, financing, etc. I've got a million questions. So, anything you can say that might ease my mind or any leads you can give me that provide information about the Dr's, facilities, finance companies, etc, I will greatly appreciate it!!

Welcome! The whole experience at the OCC is fantastic.

You can get answers to your questions by clicking the OCC in the top left corner of this page.


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I think we all felt that way in the beginning, and I think that we would all do it again in a heartbeat! It is the most amazing experience. Both my husband and I could not believe how clean the facility was. We were also extremely impressed with the quality of care. From beginning to end, it was awesome!

Hope this helps!

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Also, this entire forum is full of people, just like you, who had questions, doubts, fears, excitement, eagerness, and every other emotion concerning the lapband. Many went to Tijuana, but not all, which gives more than just a one-sided account. I encourage you to look at previous posts, previous threads, and ask specific questions about what concerns you have. There are a lot of wonderful people who will tell you that they, too, felt like you, and how they overcame their apprehensions.

The key is to look a few pages back at the topics in the general forum, and then, formulate your questions for this awesome panel of bandsters (some of whom have been banded for more than a year, some for only a few days, some of whom are bandsters-to-be).

Good luck with your decision.... only YOU can change your life. The band will help, if you allow it to.

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You have come across the forum for all your answers. Read some of the testimonials and also the questions section for sure. This general section also has alot of great stuff in it. Keep us posted on your thought. We are all here to support each other to make this work once and for all!!


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Thanks for the responses. I'm 100% sure that I want this and I'm feeling about 90% comfortable with the idea that I'm going to be able to go to Tijuana and come back alive and well. I talked to Lori for a long time today and that made me feel much better. So, I'm going to proceed with attempting to get financing. I would LOVE be able to do this in August. But, without financing, I will have to wait until November at the earliest. So, I'll keep you posted!

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The OCC is "awesome" I do not regret going to Mexico for my surgery. Since I had to pay for my surgery, I just wished that I had went To the OCC 3 years ago when I first started researching the lap-band. My Insurance would not not pay a penny on it. I received t good care from all of the staff at the OCC. I have had surgery in the USA and did not even come close to the excellent treatment that I received at the OCC.

And when I need plastic surgery from the weight loss, I am considering going back to TJ for it.

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Lori really eased my mind also. You will be fine! I was amazed at the level of care. The part of Tijuana the OCC is located in is very pretty. Palm trees line the streets and it is gorgeous.

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